



美式发音: [hʌmp] 英式发音: [hʌmp]




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n.1.a large round shape that rises above a surface or above the ground2.a large round part on the back of an animal such as a camel3.a large round part on someones back that is caused by an unusual curve in their spine

v.1.to have sex with someone2.to carry something heavy slowly and with difficulty

1.驼峰 Specific characteristics – 特 殊特征 Humps 驼峰 Latex 胶汁 ...

2.露出水面可见肉峰 江浩[ jh] 中正社区[ humps] 哈利[ hap] ...

7.有很多意思的 ... it is you. 它是你。 humps 有很多意思的。 my 我的 ...

8.前突后翘你的「前突后翘」(humps)? 没错,我的「前突后翘」!


1.He kept his word, but the poor goldsmith was obpged to carry the two humps as long as he pved, and to cover his bald head with a cap.他许下了诺言,但那个可怜的金匠不得不带着两个肿块度过余生,并不时用帽子遮住他那光光的脑袋。

2.These external saboteurs are human speed humps determined to slow you down, if not, bring you to a grinding halt.这样的外部破坏者就是一种人类减速器,他们会让你慢下来,要不然,就会把你带到一中难过的停滞中。

3.When water and food become scarce on the deserts where camels roam, the fatty humps serve as stored food and are used for nourishment.当骆驼行走在沙漠上,水和食物变成短缺时,富有脂肪的驼峰就成为贮存的食物和营养品。

4.Also, most previous dinosaur humps have been found around the shoulders or the centre of the back - this hump is further towards the tail.此外,以前发现的恐龙的突起主要分布在肩部或背部中央,而这里的突起则处于尾巴的根部。

5.Camel characteristics: Camels are the only animals with humps .骆驼的特性:骆驼是唯一有驼峰的动物。

6.Below is a search for early lunch, lunch, and late lunch. As you can see, the humps arise accordingly.下面是早午餐,午餐,晚午餐搜索。

7.These humps, or reserves of fat, are the reason why camels can go for days without water and food.这些驼峰,或者贮存的脂肪,是骆驼为什么能好多天不需要水和食物的原因。

8.By the next morning, your horse has become a unicorn with two humps .第二天,你的马变成了一个有两个峰的骆驼。

9.These humps give camels their legendary abipty to endure long periods of travel without water, even in harsh desert conditions.在缺少水源的同时甚至在环境恶劣的沙漠中也可以坚持很长时间的长途跋涉。

10.There have been some road bumps or speed humps along the way recently with the government looking to introduce a mining resources tax.最近澳大利亚正计划推出矿产资源税,这已经为一些企业的发展之路增添了阻碍。