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网络释义:粗面内质网(rough endoplasmic reticulum);区域快铁(Reseau Express Regional);快线



abbr.1.rough endoplasmic reticulum

1.粗面内质网(rough endoplasmic reticulum)偶见粗面内质网(RER)池高度囊性扩张呈不规则形池,内含多数蛋白质颗粒。线粒体变化不一,少部分线粒体嵴及基质大部溶解 …

2.区域快铁(Reseau Express Regional)区域快铁(RER)B线:CDG至Châtelet-Les Halles商业中心 4:56至23:40每12分钟一班;返程亦如此。行驶时间约30分钟;Roiss…

3.快线郊外快线(RER) 巴黎市区内有 A、B、C、D四条郊外快线行经,并与地铁站相连接。由於RER停的站很少,因此 速度相当快。

4.快速铁路地理位置非常方便,就在巴黎地区快速铁路(RER)车站前,对于乘飞机到的人来说非常棒。 另外,街上有各种各样的餐馆和市场,所 …

5.Réseau Express Régional区域快线RER(Réseau Express Régional[Regional Express Network]):线路:A4 下站地点:Marne la ValléeChessy(车程约45分钟…


1.Part of a lymphocyte showing continuity of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (rer) with the nuclear envelope (at arrow).电镜显示淋巴细胞的核膜与滑面内质网相连接处(箭头所示)。

2.All means of easy transport to Paris, the airports and exhibition grounds (underground, bus, RER and taxi).搭乘各种交通工具(地铁、公共汽车、RER、出租车等)去往巴黎市区的各个地方、机场或展览中心,非常方便。

3.Yet among train drivers, it remains extremely high: at mid-week, 90% of those who drive the Paris suburban RER trains were still on strike.然而,火车驾驶员罢工者却占有非常高的比例:驾驶巴黎城郊RER火车的员工中90%仍在罢工。

4.The endoplasmic reticulum, a lacy array of membranous sacs, tubules, and vesicles, may be either rough (RER) or smooth (SER).内质网,带有花边的生物囊,有管状,泡状之分,以及光滑和粗糙面区别。

5.The endoplasmic reticulum, a lacy of membranous sacs, tubules, and vesicles, may be either rough(RER) or smooth (SER).内质网,是一些不规则排列的膜囊,小管,和液泡组成的。

6.The third part conducts theoretical analysis between the RER and the international trade, laying the foundation for the empirical analysis.第三部分对实际汇率与长三角国际贸易收支的关系进行了理论分析,为下一章的实证分析奠定基础。

7.in a more quiet district. Metro and RER-station are very close.的地区订房。地铁和巴黎铁路站就在附近。

8.The lymphocyte with rich mitochondria, free ribosomes and RER in the cytoplast had double membrane and obvious nuclear pores.淋巴细胞内含较多的线粒体、游离核糖体及少量RER,核膜双层,有明显的核膜孔;

9.By contrast, Paris has for years enjoyed a network of five RER rapid cross-city underground pnes.与此不同,巴黎多年来都一直享受着由5条快速地下城铁组成的交通网络带来的便利。

10.EM of hepatocyte illustrating size relationships between glycogen particles (1 and 2) and ribosomes of the RER (3).电镜显示肝细胞内的糖原颗粒(1)与粗面内质网(3)上的核糖体(2)大小对比关系。