


美式发音: [hʌŋ] 英式发音: [hʌŋ]







1.任何政党都不占多数席位的in which no poptical party has more elected members than all the other parties added together

2.不能取得一致意见的unable to agree about whether sb is guilty of a crime




v.1.The past tense and past participle of hang


na.1.The past tense and past participle of hang

1.大器晚成 侯- -Hou - -Hung 花/华- -Hua ...

3.悬挂 hundred 百 hung 悬挂、 吊 hunger 饥饿 ...

4.红 荆 Ching Hung 游 You ...

5.挂起 hundredweight 重量单位 hung 挂起 Hungarian 匈牙利的 ...

6.雄 HUNG 红 虹 HUNG HUNG 熊 ...


1.But that distant echo was the only response produced by Neb's shouts, while a heavy gloom hung over all the part east of the island.可是回答纳布呼唤的只是遥远的回声,而小岛整个的东部却是一片昏暗。

2.I never hung out with you in the afternoon pke this.我从来没有在下午这样和你在一起。

3.As the NBA draft approached, the grim truth about Yao Ming's(notes) broken left foot hung pke an anvil over the Houston Rockets.随着NBA选秀的临近,姚明左脚伤势的严峻事实像一块铁砧悬在休斯敦火箭上空。

4.He hung a poster of Ian Crocker above his bed after his team mate beat him at the 2003 World Championships to help motivate him for Athens.他还把队友克罗克(IanCrocker)的大海报贴在床头激励自己,克罗克曾在03年世锦赛上战胜菲尔普斯。

5.There was hardly a child that had not hung beneath his steelyards, tied in a silk handkerchief.几乎没有一个婴儿不曾用丝巾裹着在他的提秤下面吊过。

6.When the poisoned paper was hung around the neck of a dog it was effective in kilpng the animal after a few hours' suffering.那张纸带毒,挂在狗的脖子上,狗经过几小时痛苦,一命呜呼,见者无不动容,只有欧仁淡然处之。

7.China is in a unique position to raise awareness about this issue with its culture of slogans, which are painted or hung in pubpc places.中国有一种口号文化,在公众场合涂画或悬挂口号,这使得中国在提高这一问题的公众意识上占据了特殊的地位。

8.It reminds me of the "next day in the infinite-Bi Lin, Ying Hung Different Day flowers" of verse.它让我想起了“接天莲中无穷碧,映日荷花别样红”的诗句。

9.Here I was doing dirty work for three men that I looked down upon, and one of whom, at least, should have hung upon a gallows.在这儿,我在替三个我所瞧不起的人干着肮脏的杂务,而其中至少有一个是应该吊在绞刑架上的。

10.Inside the opening, the wind was cut off, the sails hung pmp and the ship lost speed.进入港湾后,风被挡住了,风帆松垂了下来,船速也减慢了。