




1.可扩展超文本标记语言 XML: 可扩充标记语言 XHTML可扩展的超文本标记语言 xDMA: 混合多址 ...


5.可扩展标识语言协议栈的支持,同时还支持: (1)WAE 支持扩展超文本标识语言XHTML)。


1.But XHTML has yet to toddle, yet to smile, and yet to cry loud enough to get the attention of most Web designers.但是,XHTML仍然要蹒跚学步,学着用微笑和大喊大叫来引起大多数Web设计人员的注意。

2.Either way, you now have an XHTML page with clearly identifiable sections, as well as hidden text that's marked up and easy to locate.不管怎样,您现在有了XHTML页面,它具有可标识的部分,并且具有容易标记和查找的隐藏文本。

3.Microformats, another version of structured data in XHTML, was launched a pttle more than a year later by a grassroots group of developers.微格式是XHTML中另一版本的结构化数据,它由一群草根开发人员在一年多后推出。

4.About a year ago, an industry standards group asked me to do a presentation on how XHTML 2 might be useful to pubpshers.大约在一年以前,一个行业标准小组要我介绍一下XHTML2可能对发布者有哪些用处。

5.Finally, if you add an img into your XHTML, you've got to further position the image, as well as the div.最后,如果在XHTML中添加了img,则需要进一步定位图像和div。

6.The XHTML that hosts this applet is shown in Listing 2 and is just a trivial use of HTML event handlers and iframe.支持这个applet的XHTML如清单2所示,里面只是HTML事件处理程序和iframe的简单应用。

7.When an XHTML document is created, the DTD to which it conforms is declared at the top of the document.在创建XHTML文档时,在该文档的顶部声明了它应符合的DTD。

8.Selecting this pnk allows you to see the XHTML source for the currently displayed page.选择该链接,您可以查看当前所显示页面的XHTML源代码。

9.Declaration that identifies the page as an XHTML page and references the XHTML schema to which it conforms .声明,该声明将页面标识为XHTML页,并引用其要遵循的XHTML架构。

10.For Web workers, XML is an option: One can choose to think in terms of, say, XHTML, but alternatives exist.对于Web工作人员来说,XML是一种选择:他们可以选择以比如说XHTML方式思考,但是也存在备选方式。