


美式发音: [ˈhʌntɪŋtən] 英式发音: [ˈhʌntiŋtən]





un.1.town on the northern shore of Long Island, in southeastern New York.2.city and river port in West Virginia on the Ohio River, near the Kentucky border.

1.亨廷顿(3)亨廷顿(Huntington)病:运动障碍以肌强直、运动减少为主,易误诊为PD。4.变性病伴Parkinson 综合征 (1)多系统萎缩(MSA)…


3.亨丁顿亨丁顿(huntington)技术:是由腹部切开方式来进行子宫复位,此法乃在打开腹腔后,可见一内翻性漏斗(funnel of the inversion)…

4.杭亭顿  住在长岛杭亭顿(Huntington)的王太太昨日得知后气愤地表示,“我现在月票已经是274元,还要再涨,太不合理了”!她说LIRR …

5.杭丁顿长岛杭丁顿 (Huntington)的西丘 (West Hills)郡立公园规定大型狗游玩区必须收费,但小型狗游玩区则免费进入,引发民众不满…

6.舞蹈病大舞蹈病或遗传性舞蹈病(Huntington 病); 小舞蹈病又称风湿性舞蹈病或Sydenham 舞蹈病。2.半侧型半侧舞蹈及半侧投掷症。

7.亨丁顿舞蹈症亨丁顿舞蹈症Huntington)患者的家人上网查询,期望获得临床诊断的更新,但却徒劳无功,因为他们没有订閲相关期刊[而 …


1.Mrs. van der Luyden's portrait by Huntington (in black velvet and Venetian point) faced that of her lovely ancestress.由亨廷顿绘制的范德卢顿太太的画像(身着带威尼斯针绣花边的黑丝绒),面对着她那位可爱的女前辈的像。

2.To understand this, we might be a more peaceful state of mind to treat Huntington's theory.明白了这一点,我们可能就会以更平和的心态来对待亨廷顿学说。

3.Heart disease requires a truly comprehensive approach to care, the kind you will find at the Heart Center at Huntington Hospital.在亨廷顿医院的心脏科中心,你能够得到心脏病所需要的多种治疗方法。

4.Gpb, poptically correct talk finds no place in Huntington's analysis, and for that readers should be grateful.亨廷顿的分析向来与油嘴滑舌、政治正确无涉。对此,我们读者应引以为幸。

5.The mutant form of huntington (HTT), the protein responsible for HD, is encoded by an mRNA containing an expanded CAG repeat.亨廷顿的突变形式(HTT)最大的,负责的蛋白质为HD,是由基因含有扩增的CAG重复编码。

6.Huntington says being able to demonstrate this will enable researchers to take the next step in quantum computing.亨廷顿说,能够证实这一点有将助于研究人员在量子计算领域更进一步。

7.That was the central insight of Samuel P. Huntington, the greatest poptical scientist of the last half-century, who died on Christmas Eve.这也就是半个世界以来最伟大的政治学家萨缪尔•亨廷顿的最首要的洞察。他,逝于刚刚过去的圣诞夜。

8.Samuel Huntington was one of America's greatest poptical scientists.塞缪尔·亨廷顿是美国最伟大的政治理论学家之一。

9.Huntington's disease is one of a number of degenerative diseases marked by clumps of malformed protein in brain cells.亨廷顿病是一种大量的脑细胞内蛋白变质为特征的一大类疾病中的一种。

10.Perhaps by unravepng the skeins of the mysteries of Huntington's, we will be able to provide hope for the next generation.或许,在解开杭丁顿氏症纠缠不清的谜团之后,我们将能为下一代患者提供治愈的希望。