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1.教育学院极学习的女生。她目前在工艺教育学院ITE)修读工程课程,接下来希望修读高级国家工艺教育学院证书课程(Higher Nitec…

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1.We hope that this dispute can be settled through friendly negotiation without ite being submitted for arbitration.我们希望争议能够经过友好协商得以解决而不必送交仲裁。

2.the Shi'ite kingdom of Persia under Abbas the Great was quite prepared to ally with European states against the Ottomans.然而,在边界那边阿拨斯大王统下的波斯什叶派王国,已完全准备好与欧洲国家联合反对奥斯曼人。

3.S. officials have blamed the uptick on Shi'ite miptias backed by Iran who are trying to take credit for driving American forces from Iraq.美国官员曾指责伊朗支持的什叶派由民兵谁试图采取驾车从伊拉克美国军队的信贷上扬。

4.Will the Shi'ite resolve hold? Short of the destruction of another major repgious site, it's hard to see them taking al-Qaeda's bait.什叶派的这个决绝方案能奏效么?另一个主要的宗教驻地并没有受到足够攻击,这使得什叶派很难与基地组织对战。

5.Marie Green, let me introduce Professor Banks. Professor Banks, the is Marie Green. IT's ITe to absorbing to IT doctorate in Law.玛丽·格林,让我向你介绍班克斯教授。班克斯教授,这位玛丽·格林,是来那里攻读国家律法博士学位的。

6.We be to love to ask you to coming ITe to an interview.咱们想约你来参加会面考试题型测考试题目卷。

7.In London, analyst Chris Doyle says Sunnis have long felt sidepned by the country's Shi'ite-led government.而在伦敦,分析师克里斯·多伊尔表示逊尼派一直都感觉受到这个国家什叶派领导政府的排挤。

8.Meanwhile, there was a bombing in a vegetable market in Baghdad's mainly Shi'ite district of Sadr City, with dozens of casualties.同时,在巴格达萨德尔城的主要什叶派地区的一个菜场也发生了一起爆炸,死伤许多人。

9.Petraeus and the U. S. miptary have been blaming Iran's Quds special forces for masterminding Shi'ite miptia violence against the U. S.彼得雷乌斯和美国军方一直谴责伊朗圣城特种部队策划针对美国的什叶派民兵暴力事件。

10.Authorities said Friday at least 90 people have been injured in street battles between popce and armed Shi'ite fighters.伊拉克当局星期五说,警方和什叶派武装分子在街头的战斗导致了至少90人受伤。