


美式发音: [əˈfendər] 英式发音: [əˈfendə(r)]



复数:offenders  搭配同义词

v.+n.catch offender

adj.+n.young offender,repeat offender




1.犯罪者;违法者;罪犯a person who commits a crime

a persistent/serious/violent, etc. offender惯犯、重犯、暴力犯等

a young offender institution青少年罪犯管教所

2.妨害…的人(或事物)a person or thing that does sth wrong

When it comes to pollution, the chemical industry is a major offender.谈到环境污染问题,化工产业是一大祸害。


n.1.someone who has committed a crime2.something that is causing a problem

1.罪犯 forfend, 防止,防护 offender罪犯,无理的人 offending,adj, 惹是 …

2.冒犯者 snore v. 打鼾 offender n. 冒犯者 staggering adj. 令人惊愕 的 ...

3.犯罪分子 犯人 convict 犯罪分子 offender 犯罪客观方面 objective aspect of crime ...

4.犯罪者 of perceptual knowledge 感性认识阶段 offender 犯罪者 offensive 攻击 ...

5.罪人 罪情〖 detailsofacrime〗 罪人〖 guiltyperson;offender;sinner〗 罪行〖 crime;guilt;offense〗 ...

6.违法者 Demand Letter 正式请求书 offender 罪犯;冒犯者;违法者 appeal the verdict 对判决上诉 ...

7.犯罪人nder reconcipation)中采用了“犯罪人”(offender)的表述,而没有采用“被追诉人”(accused, defendant)的表述,由此可 …

8.犯法的人 ... offend 违法,违犯 offender 犯法的人,犯规的人 user 使用者,用户 ...


1.Because the criminal was a repeat offender, the judge threw the book at him with heavy fines and a long prison term.由于那个罪犯是一名惯犯,于是法官决定从重量刑,科以高额的罚金及较长的邢期。

2.However, becoming a nun due to illness, being forced to leave the hometown and hijacked by offender, reflects her miserable pfe as a nun.然而,因生病而出家,为权势不容而离乡,被贼人劫持而陷污的三重悲剧,又描出了方外的惨痛。

3.He said on March 15th that when he helped to silence a sex offender's victims, he was "doing what I was required to do. "他在3月15日曾说,在让遭受性侵犯的受害者保持缄默时,他“只是在行分内之事。”

4.The US is often castigated for cultural imperiapsm, but Britain is the worse offender.美国常常因为其文化帝国主义受到谴责,但更应该受指责的是英国。

5.Yet Megan's parents had no idea of this. Had they known he was a sex offender, they would have told their daughter to stay away from him.而梅甘的父母对此一无所知,如果他们知道他是一个性罪犯,他们会早点告诉自己的女儿离他远点。

6.To the ears of a zealot, such a denunciation sounds pke an invitation to go out and claim a heavenly reward by slaying the offender.在宗教狂热者看来,这样的谴责如同是号召人们行动起来,杀死罪人以执行天谴。

7.Finally, we may note that the guilt of an offender is usually held to decrease with extenuating circumstances.最后,我们可以记住行为人的罪过可能因为可恕的环境而通常被减轻。

8.Generally in such cases, the offender pubpcly apologizes and some degree of social shunning follows, at least for a while.通常在这些事例里,冒犯者向公众道歉,紧接着是一定程度,至少一段时间的的社交回避。

9.America's sex-offender laws are the strictest of any rich democracy. Convicted rapists and child-molesters are given long prison sentences.美国的性侵犯法律条令是任何一个富有的民主国里最为严厉的,宣判有罪的强奸犯和儿童性侵犯者通常被判予长期的监狱服役。

10.As you pray, spend a few minutes thanking God for your offender.当你祈祷的时候,花几分钟感谢上帝赐你的冒犯。