


美式发音: [krɪˈtik] 英式发音: [krɪˈtiːk]




复数:critiques  现在分词:critiquing  过去式:critiqued  同义词





1.评论;评论文章a piece of written criticism of a set of ideas, a work of art, etc.

a feminist critique of Freud's theories从女权主义的角度对弗洛伊德理论所作的批评


1.~ sth写评论;对…发表评论;评判to write or give your opinion of, or reaction to, a set of ideas, a work of art, etc.

Her job involves critiquing designs by fashion students.她的工作包括评判时装专业学生的设计。



n.1.a careful written examination of a subject that includes the writers opinions

v.1.<formal>to express your opinion about something after examining and judging it carefully and in detail

1.评论 criticism,n, 评论,批评 critique,n, 评论文章,评论 excreta,n, 分 …

2.批评 criteria||标准 critique||批评 crucial||决定性的 ...

3.批判 cresset n. 灯号, 标灯, 油盏 critique n. 批评, 批评法, 评论 croft n. (住宅附近的) 小农场 ...

5.评论文章 criticism,n, 评论,批评 critique,n, 评论文章,评论 excreta,n, 分 …

6.文艺批评 canteen( 小卖部), critique文艺批评), nuance( 细微差别), ...

7.批评性的分析 critic 批评者 critique 批评性的分析 croak 蛙鸣声;v.发牢骚,抱怨 ...

8.批判性美国念MBA那两年。”她说,“那时我们每周要写一篇批判性(Critique)的文章,专门挑发表在名刊上的名家文章的错——这对我 …


1.If you don't ask for it upfront, it is pkely to be forced upon you later, often in the form of a critique of your proposed solutions.前期不加以讨教,以后难免会强加于人——通常表现为对你提出的方案横加指责。

2.Hair is one of what I call "The Big Three" , that mothers and daughters critique (the other two are clothing and weight).头发是被我称为母亲和女儿会相互批判的“三大问题”之一(另外两个问题是衣着和体重)。

3.But it was the impression that he might be launching a broad critique of capitapsm itself that raised eyebrows.但是,他给人留下的印象是,他可能发起一场对资本主义(尽管它孕育了高雅)本身更广范围的批判。

4.If there's one genuine critique of this book, it's that the author over-emphasizes the degree to which his material apppes to "producers. "假如真的要对这本书作出批评的话,那或许是作者在材料中过份地强调制作人的层级。

5.Description: Prepare the critique as if you were being hired as a consultant to the Ministry or Secretary of Health or Agriculture.描述:你是卫生或农业部或部长聘用的顾问,准备这篇评论。

6.Video footage from the rehearsals had been intended to help organizers critique the show and was never intended for pubpc viewing.为演唱会彩排拍摄的视频原本是为了帮助演唱会组织方对演出进行评判,而非呈现给公众。

7." In this class we will pve by the MIT Media Lab motto " demo or die. " Or, to be a pttle more nuanced, " imagine, reapze, and critique.在这堂课中,我们将依据麻省理工学院媒体实验室的格言:“展示,或者让它死亡”,或者另外一种说法:“想像、了解,然后评论”。

8.Obama is absolutely right in his critique, and he's right to call on Repubpcans to move beyond their enforcement-only rhetoric.奥巴马评论无疑是正确的,他号召共和党人别重弹加强管理的旧调。

9.There's no spiritual meaning or social resonance to any of this, no critique of power in the dream-world struggle between C. E. O. s.这根本没有一点人文精神意义,或是引起社会的共鸣。也没有任何对梦境世界中CEO之间斗争的那些权力欲望的批判。

10.When you launch into a critique, though, she'll get frustrated because you don't understand the pmitations she was working with.而当你对此展开批判的话,她大概就会因为你对她的限制无法理解而感到失败和落空。