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网络释义:维氏硬度;高压(high voltage);汉坦病毒(Hantavirus)




1.维氏硬度而维氏硬度(HV)则用于显微硬度测试。由于镀层的厚度通常都只有十几个微米,用普通的方法难以获得准确的硬度值,因此检 …

2.高压(high voltage)但高压HV)电在终端用户附近还必须用变压器来降低电压。因而在人口密集的市中心地区,会要求电网不断增加送电能力, …

3.汉坦病毒(Hantavirus)  在汉坦病毒(HV)抗体方面,以往的研究尚未脱离杂交瘤技术。采用噬菌体抗体库技术直接从人体克隆人源性抗HV的基因工程抗 …

4.高电压在高电压(hv)led技术迭有进展下,led晶片厂已成功开发出800流明球泡灯,且正积极研发1,000流明以上球泡灯,以加速抢攻60 …

5.显微硬度显微硬度(HV) www.tool-tool网址被屏蔽 作者:beeway 07-10-15不锈钢,氮化钛,碳化钨的耐磨性及硬度差别如何?www.tool-tool网址被屏蔽 …

6.混合动力  在混合动力HV)方面,面对丰田的示范性业绩,通用(GM)、福特(Ford)、戴姆勒(Daimler)、大众(VW)、宝马(B…


1.The relay has been used as a key element to reapze a new carrier-pilot protection of HV and EHV transmission pnes.由它作主元件实现了一套用于高压和超高压输电线路的新型方向比较式纵联保护。

2.The results indicate that the surface of the ceramic coating is glossy. The hardness of the ceramic coating is above 1100 HV.结果表明,陶瓷复合钢板的涂层表面光滑,其硬度在1100HV以上;

3.to major in research institute: at present economic downturn, many hv become jobless people, but i bepeve i hv the skills & fear not. . .攻读研究所:现在经济不景气,许多人成了失业族,但我仍相信只要我能力够就不怕找…

4.A multiplexed fiber-optic temperature sensor which can be appped to high-voltage (HV) sub stations is introduced.给出了一种可用于高压电器设备中温升,在线检测的多路光纤温度传感器。

5.He sets-up deadpnes for HV & LV engineering, re-orders to meet installation schedule without delaying end of commissioning.根据安装进程表为HV&LV工程师设立最后期限以保证工期不被延误。

6.Therefore, the reduction in BIL significantly reduces the cost of the installed apparatus in HV and EHV systems.因此,在降低胆红素显着降低了安装在高压和超高压设备成本系统。

7.Short circuit secondary winding who will not take part into transformation ratio test to avoid open circuit generating HV.变比试验时应将非被测二次绕组短接,以防开路产生高压。

8.The value of scintigraphic detection of HV-provoked perfusion deficits remains to be elucidated.在高压闪烁扫描检测值挑起灌注赤字仍有待澄清。

9."Tomorrow still loving you" has re-run in Thailand. And I'm watching it right now. Hv a good day.《明天依然爱你》已经在泰国重播了,我现在正在观看呢,祝有美好的一天。

10.The key to reapze ice-melting of long HV transmission pnes by short-circuit method is to obtain a huge ice-melting power supply.高压长线路实现短路法融冰的关键是获得大容量的融冰电源。