


美式发音: [ˈdreko] 英式发音: [ˈdreikəu]





n.1.a large faint constellation of the northern hemisphere

1.天龙座 紫龙 SHIRYU 天文名称:天龙座 Draco 邪武 Jabu ...

2.德拉古 Valter 维尔达 Draco 德拉古 Golba 戈巴 ...

3.天龙星座 dozen 一打 Draco 天龙星座 Draco 天龙座天龙星座 ...

4.德拉科后,穆迪(Moody)把自己的魔杖插在了地下,追着德拉科Draco)绕着树跑,起初魔杖成45度角倾斜,可是等到德 拉科(…

5.天龙星人 NORDICS( 诺迪克人) DRACO天龙星人) ORIONS( 猎户星人14%) ...


1.You fed Draco Malfoy some cock-and-bull story about a dragon, trying to get him out of bed and into trouble.你们凭空编出一套谎话告诉德拉科马尔福,说有一条龙什么的,想把他从床上骗出来,害他倒霉。

2.Draco Malfoy was standing there with his wife and son, a dark coat buttoned up to his throat.德拉科?马尔福站在妻子和儿子旁边,黑色的外套一直扣到咽喉。

3.Several of the Death Eaters leapt back in their chairs. Draco fell out of his onto the floor.几个食死徒又坐回到了椅子中,德拉科瘫在了地板上。

4.Draco Malfoy was standing with his back to the door, his hands clutching either side of the sink, his white-blond head bowed.德拉科·马尔福正背对着门站着,他的双手紧握着水槽的两边,他有着铂金色头发的脑袋低着。

5.And Draco has an endless night to turn that over in his head , as the shadows never fade and the morning never comes .有无数的无尽的夜晚辗转而过,那些阴影从未褪去,清晨永远不来。

6.Draco Malfoy has always been the evil foil. . . a bit of a fool really.德拉科•马福尔是邪恶的陪衬角色,也真的有一点傻。

7.He blames Draco but still can't seem to get rid of him because Draco is still as persistent as ever to get Harry's attention.他与是去责怪德拉科,但就算这样他也无法赶走他,德拉科看上去和往常一样执意去吸引哈利的注意。

8.Draco Malfoy has been called upon by Lord Voldemort himself to carry out a mission of great importance and greater consequence.德拉科•马尔福已被伏地魔召唤,去完成一项艰巨的任务并承担重大的后果。

9.Crabbe follows Draco Malfoy around and serves as something of a bodyguard for him.克拉布总是跟着马尔福转,像保镖一样侍奉着他。

10.So Dumbledore offers to put Draco and his mother into hiding during the confrontation on the tower.所以邓不利多才会在塔楼对决时提议把马尔福和他母亲藏到绝对安全的地方。