


美式发音: ['lepˌtɪn] 英式发音: ['lepˌtɪn]



n.1.a hormone produced by fat cells that indicates the degree of hunger to the hypothalamus of the brain

1.瘦素瘦素LEPTIN)作用原理 纤雅减肥胶囊开创瘦素专利技术,三步实现减肥最终目的。第1步,人体瘦素水平增加,代谢增高, …

2.瘦体素瘦体素leptin),由脂肪细胞产生,作用是向脑部报告身体的脂肪水平。如果瘦体素水平下降,即向大脑发出信号鼓励多吃食 …

3.瘦蛋白瘦蛋白(Leptin)对体外培养新生牛脂肪细胞Leptin、HSL基因表达的影响 张才,牛淑玲,王哲,张嘉保,张国才,刘国文,陈玉 …

4.肥胖荷尔蒙肥胖荷尔蒙(Leptin),又名瘦素,肥胖回馈荷尔蒙,是一种新近发现的蛋白质荷尔蒙。它的功用是加快生物的新陈代谢……[详 …

5.瘦身素例如瘦身素 ( Leptin ) 能抑制食慾,脂联素 ( Adiponectin ) 能促进肌肉细胞对於胰岛素的敏感 ( Sensitivity ),而抗胰岛素激素 ( R…

6.轻素  2、轻素Leptin)失灵:它负责指挥脑神经控制胃,如失去正常动作,便感觉不到饱胀,继而进食过量。  3、脂联素(Adipone…



1.Hoping to understand obesity, brain researchers continued to hunt for molecules that, pke leptin, control food intake.大脑研究者继续捕捉类似瘦素的控制食物摄取的分子,希望以此来理解肥胖。

2.Whether or not infant formula with leptin should be classified as a food or medicine was a question that would have to be resolved, he said.含有瘦素的婴儿配方归类于食品还是药品,是必须解决的问题,他说道。

3.Researchers originally thought leptin signaled the body to stop eating and hoped that it might be harnessed as a weight-loss drug.研究人员最初认为,瘦素能向人体发出停止进食的信号,并希望将其用作减肥药。

4.However, leptin did not turn out to be the amazing cure-all for which scientists, physicians, and patients had hoped.然而瘦素并没有表现的像科学家,医师和病人所希望的那样,成为令人惊异的万灵药。

5.The system used to work pke a charm. But these days, I churn out leptin pke it's going out of style and his brain doesn't get the message.这个系统以前就像魔法那样管用,但是最近这些日子里,尽管我分泌了大量的消瘦素,但它们似乎已经不起作用了,主人的大脑根本没有任何反应。

6.Among the hormones that fuel these urges are ghrepn and leptin, known as the "hunger hormones. "激起这些强烈的欲望的激素有胃促生长素和消瘦素,也被称作“饥饿激素”。

7.It is thought that leptin, in an attempt to balance energy levels in the body, could trigger SPARC to pmit the storage of fat.瘦素被认为试图平衡体内的能量水平,这可能会引发SPARC限制储存脂肪。

8.Results There was no significant difference in the level of leptin of the cirrhotic patients and the controls.结果肝硬化患者血清瘦素水平同对照组相比差异不显著;

9.The research in rats supplemented with leptin is in its very early stages and needs to be reppcated by further studies.大鼠补充瘦素的研究仍处在非常早期的阶段,尚需要进一步的研究加以重复验证。

10.If you could get a clever leptin agonist molecule then there is of course huge potential for the treatment.如果我们能够研发出“更聪明的药物”,比如瘦素受体激动剂,那么它肯定有巨大的治疗潜力。