


美式发音: [hɪˈsterɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: [hɪ'sterɪk(ə)l]




Adj.+n.hysterical reaction


adj.panic-stricken,out of control,agitated,overexcited,feverish



1.歇斯底里的;情绪狂暴不可抑止的in a state of extreme excitement, and crying, laughing, etc. in an uncontrolled way

hysterical screams歇斯底里的尖叫

a hysterical giggle无法控制的傻笑

He became almost hysterical when I told him.我告诉他时,他几乎要发疯了。

Let's not get hysterical.咱们别太激动。

He thought I was being a hysterical female.他觉得我当时像个歇斯底里的女人。

2.(informal)极其可笑的extremely funny

She seemed to find my situation absolutely hysterical.她好像觉得我的处境极端可笑。


adj.1.behaving in an uncontrolled way because you are extremely excited, afraid, or upset; reacting to something in an unreasonable way; suffering from the medical condition of hysteria2.extremely funny

1.歇斯底里的 humble 卑微的 hysterical 歇斯底里的 ideal 理想的 ...

2.歇斯底里般的 hypothesis n. 假说,假设,前提 ★ hysterical a. 情绪异常激动的,歇斯底里般的 feat n. 功绩,伟业,技艺 …

3.癔病的 hysteric major 癔病大发作 hysterical 癔病的 hysterical amblyopia 歇斯底里视弱 ...

4.情绪异常激动的 hypothesis n. 假说,假设,前提 ★ hysterical a. 情绪异常激动的,歇斯底里般的 feat n. 功绩,伟业,技艺 …

5.癔病的,歇斯底里的 ... prosecutor n. 起诉人;检察官,公诉人 hysterical a. 癔病的,歇斯底里的;患癔病的 threatening a. 威胁(性)的, …

6.患癔病的 ... prosecutor n. 起诉人;检察官,公诉人 hysterical a. 癔病的,歇斯底里的;患癔病的 threatening a. 威胁(性)的, …

7.异常兴奋 ... 2. hemlock n. 一种有毒植物(毒芹) 4. hysterical a. 歇斯底里,异常兴奋 7. tur-moil n. 混乱 ...


1.The armament race between the U. S. A. and the U. S. S. R. , originally supposed to be a preventive measure, assumes hysterical character.开始于美国苏联两国之间的军备竞赛最初是一项预防措施,现在具有了歇斯底里性质。

2.Meet the parents of her hysterical war of words, or something of the harsh sound of beat.迎接她的是父母歇斯底里的唇枪舌战,或摔打东西的刺耳响声。

3.As she was getting back to her tent, she heard hysterical laughter, and she thought to herself, 'its just a story, its just a story. '她回去在她的帐篷,她听到歇斯底里的笑声,她认为自己,其只是一个故事,它只是一个故事。

4.Everything is ironic to me. There are moments I find hysterical, but I'm probably the only one who would find that, except for a few people.每件事都是对我的讽刺。我总是觉得荒谬,歇斯底里,但我是唯一一个发现这点的人,除了很少的一些人。

5.Norton screamed. He was as hysterical as a woman having a hot-flush.诺顿尖叫着,歇斯底里地像个更年期热潮红的女人一样。

6.His girlfriend becomes increasingly hysterical (probably at least partially due to Hamlets own treatment of her) and drowns herself.他的女朋友变得越来越歇斯底里(可能至少有部分原因是哈姆雷特),自溺了。

7.Just the same, I felt it was my duty to say it. She got hysterical and began to weep pke a walrus, poured out more wine.我仍然认为讲明这一点是我的职责,她便像一头海象一样猛哭开了,又倒了一些酒。

8.Perhaps the root of hysterical she had a strong possessive and wanted complete control over her in the hands of men.或许,她根子底里就有一种强烈的占有欲,想把她的男人完全掌控在手中。

9.Kim is hysterical. Teri, with strength and resolve calms Kim and then shows her a cell phone that she stole when she was with Ep.带着力量和决心的泰瑞平复了金姆的情绪,接着,她将一部手机拿给金姆看,那是在她被伊菜施暴时偷来的。

10.Her grief, which she had hitherto tried to restrain, now burst out in a violent fit of hysterical sobbing.她一直努力克制着悲哀,现在突然地放声大哭起来。