




1.粉红小猪 Thomas 托马斯 Peppa 粉红小猪 Octonauts 海底探险队 ...

2.滨江英语情境中心 英语博览会 Engpsh carnival 滨江英语情境中心 Peppa 作品集1 work collection1 ...


1."No, " repped Peppa, her eyes fixed and hard as steel. "No, he's not been here. "“不,”佩帕回答说,眼神就像钢铁一般坚定,“不,他没来过这儿。”

2.Peppa's boat is a sail boat. The wind gets it go along.粉红猪小妹的船是一个帆船。风吹着它前进。

3.Ed Balls confided that Peppa was worried about her piglet brother George losing his Child Trust Fund.EdBalls指出其中真正原因是猪小妹担心猪小弟乔治失去儿童信托基金。

4."It's true, " repped Peppa. "I know it! It was the will of God. "“是的,”佩帕回答说,“这我知道!这是上帝的旨意。”

5.Peppa and George are helping to clear up the breakfast things.粉红猪小妹和乔治正在帮忙清理早餐后的东西。

6.Peppa is blowing bubbles in her drink.佩佩正往她的饮料里吹泡泡。

7.Then Peppa crossed herself before the old m woman's bed-Bead, and escaped out of the window.于是佩帕在老女人的床头对着自己身上画了一个十字,就从窗口逃出去了。

8.He must quickly find somewhere to hide before Peppa finishes counting.他必须在Peppa数好之前迅速找到地方藏好。

9.Grandpa pig is taking Peppa and her friends for a day out.猪爷爷带着Peppa和她的朋友出去玩一天。

10.Peppa wants to copy George but she's too big and has got stuck.Peppa想学乔治,但是她太大了被黏住了。