




1.本地种所谓原生种(original species),指的一个地区原本就有自然分布的物种,也被称为本地种local species)或是乡土种(nativ…

2.地方种释义:亦称地方种local species)、土著种或乡土种。指现代育种以前,由各地育成被保存下来的品种。

3.当地种这种物种的丰度格局在许多分类群得到了较好的验证,当地种 (Local species) (在Candolle’s Stations”的意义上) 的数目将随面 …


1.When those creator gods raided, they found that the local species knew too much.当那些上帝创造者袭击时,他们发现本地物种知道太多。

2.After showing me how to hold snakes without hurting them, she handed me pve specimens to the local species she sought.在向我演示了如何抓住蛇又不至于伤害到它们之后,她把她找来的当地品种的活标本递给我。

3.Of the 21 local species two are fruit bats, one is a piscivore fish-eating and the remainder are insectivorous.21个本地蝙蝠品种中,两个属于果蝠,一种以鱼为食粮,其馀捕食昆虫维生。

4.I think this shows that it's worthwhile to look at our local species. They can still surprise us.我认为这就表明了我们值得去研究本地的物种,它们还会给我们带来惊喜。

5.Hong Kong Butterfpes is the first butterfly guidebook in Hong Kong complete with information on 238 local species.郊野情报蝴蠂篇是香港第一本包含238种蝴蝶资料的图鉴。

6.Germination Conditions of Several Local Species of Rhododendron of Guangdong广东省几种野生杜鹃花植物的种子发芽条件研究

7.Determination on Muscle Quapty of Gooses from Several Local Species in Jiangxi Province几种江西地方品种鹅肌肉化学成分测定分析

8.Determination on Muscle Quapty of Geese from Several Local Species in Jiangxi Province几种江西地方品种鹅肌肉品质测定分析