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网络释义:创业孵化器(Y Combinator);合闸线圈;青年学院(Youth College)


abbr.1.Young Conservative

1.创业孵化器(Y Combinator)1、以Y CombinatorYC)为榜样,负责挖掘“金点子”,引入“种子资金”,提供“孵化器”,培育珞珈创业之星;2、负责启蒙创业 …

2.合闸线圈2.脱扣器合闸线圈(YC) 220V- PR121/P-LI / LSI / LSIG弹簧储能电动机 220V - PR122/P-LI / LSI / LSIG机械和电气指示(保护器 …

3.青年学院(Youth College)其实青年学院(YC)系比一D5系好中2读校学的课程的同学读!!1.我觉得YC都系一个5错的选择!因为读完中专的课程之后可以升高 …

4.大马力单相电动机大马力单相电动机YC)2013-05-15 YL系列单相双值电容异步电动机 2013-05-15 STC系列三相交流同步发电机 2013-05-15 …


1.Plenty of Valley insiders could do without all that hype, especially when the result is having to pay more for stakes in YC's offspring.许多硅谷老手对这种炒作不满,尤其是当他们不得不因此付出更高的价格换取YC创业公司股权的时候。

2.In our case, we went from nothing to a working product and back to nothing in less than a month during our time at Y Combinator.在我们的案例中,我们在YC的不到一个月中,我们从一无所有到有了一个产品,最后又到一无所有。

3.He's openly discussed that his original thinking used to be IQ above all else when selecting YC teams.他在公开讨论中常提到在选择YC团队的时候,IQ是最优先考虑的因素。

4.Each startup gets two and a half minutes to make their case, show their product and leave a good impression.每家YC创业公司有两分半钟的自我介绍时间,用来展示产品,力求给投资者留下美好印象。

5.A couple of days after Prototype Day, the class convenes for a special Friday-night session at YC headquarters.样机日之后的数日,所有人被召集在YC总部参加周五晚间的一个特别会议。

6.Free office space at AOL's Palo Alto headquarters will be given to one of the YC startups.位于AOL总部帕洛阿尔托的免费办公室也将任由被YC录取的初创企业使用。

7.YC's three-month boot camp for startups, run twice a year in Mountain View, Capf. , attracts 1, 000 apppcants for roughly 40 spots.YC为创业公司举办为期三个月的训练营,每年在加州的山景城办两次,每次吸引大约1000个申请者,从中挑出40个入选者。

8.Some refer to its growing network of graduates as the YC mafia.有人将不断壮大的YC毕业生关系网称为“YC匪帮”。

9.Requirement: This requirement can be met by pulpng the MC along a fixed floating rope, secure to the shore and the YC.要求:这个要求可以通过使用固定浮绳拉住,并稳定在岸边和YC上得到满足。

10.YC offers free incorporation services from its in-house lawyer.YC公司内部法务还会提供免费公司注册服务。