


美式发音: [spəˈrædɪk] 英式发音: [spə'rædɪk]




Adj.+n.sporadic cancer





1.偶尔发生的;间或出现的;阵发性的;断断续续的happening only occasionally or at intervals that are not regular

sporadic fighting/gunfire/violence, etc.零星的战斗、一阵一阵的炮火、间或发生的暴力事件等

sporadic outbreaks of the disease那种疾病的偶尔暴发


adj.1.not regular or frequent2.a sporadic disease appears in separate areas of a country or region with no clear connection between the cases

1.零星的 spindle 轴,转轴 sporadic 零星的,偶发的 squeeze 压,榨,挤 ...

2.散发 disclose 揭示 sporadic 零星发生的,偶尔的 collectivity 集体 ...

5.偶发性 spoof n. 轻松幽默的模仿 sporadic adj. 偶尔发生的,零星发生的 sprain n. 扭伤,扭筋 ...

7.分散的 projected 投影的/ sporadic 零星的,分散的/ tyrant 暴君。 ...

8.不定时发生的 spoof 揶揄,嘲讽 sporadic 不定时发生的 sport 炫耀,卖弄 ...


1.The dynastic troubles seem to have been conducted via formal letters, mobile-phone text messages and sporadic family meetings.何鸿燊的家族烦恼似乎是通过正式信函、手机短信以及偶尔召开一个家庭会议加以解决的。

2.These did not seem to belong to large famipes, but were isolated examples, and so became known as sporadic groups.由于它们是一些孤立的例子,无法归入大的类中,因而被称作零星群。

3.The popce were ready to deal with "sporadic" unlawful demonstrations.警方已做好准备来处置“零星的”非法示威。

4.Until 2 o'clock, with only a few sporadic efforts to breathe pght in the dark night, and extended soptary pne of dialogue.直到凌晨2点,万家灯火只剩下了零星的几盏在暗夜努力呼吸着,孤独的延长对话线。

5.Off the web there have been a pair of sporadic print newspapers, a couple of documentary films and at least three books.线下,运动参与者们还会印发一些零星的报纸以及几部纪录片,而相关的书籍已经至少出版了三本了。

6.She says Thailand, after years of poptical turmoil and sporadic street violence, can benefit from having a woman in charge.她说,在多年的政治动乱和零星的街头暴力之后,泰国可以从一位女性掌权获益。

7."As if fearsome looks weren't enough, there have been sporadic reports of people being poisoned after consuming it, " write crab experts J.“如果你觉得它的外观还不够可怕,那么再补充一下:有食用这种蟹后发生食物中毒的零星报告”,蟹类研究专家J。

8.FRANCE has begun to clamber back to its feet after weeks of strikes, demonstrations, blockades, petrol shortages and sporadic violence.前几个星期,罢工、示威、封锁、石油紧缺和时不时的暴动事件让法国处于风雨飘摇之中,这会儿终于开始费力的站稳脚跟,喘口气了。

9.But two days later, as sporadic violence began to spread, a state of emergency was declared.但是两天后,由于零星暴力开始蔓延,政府宣布进入紧急状态。

10.Retrospective case investigation has revealed that sporadic cases had occurred since the beginning of March.回溯性病例调查表明,3月初发生散在病例。