

ice pack

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复数:ice packs  同义词

n.compress,cold compress,wrapping,poultice



1.冰袋(用于受伤等部位降温)a plastic container filled with ice that is used to cool parts of the body that are injured, etc.


n.1.a bag full of ice that you hold against an injured or painful part of your body to stop it from swelpng or make it less painful2.an area of small pieces of ice floating in the ocean

1.冰袋 iceatlas 冰(情)图 ice-pack .(海上的)流冰群 〈医〉冰袋 ice-pick (餐桌上用的)碎冰锥 ...

2.流冰群 iceatlas 冰(情)图 ice-pack .(海上的)流冰群 〈医〉冰袋 ice-pick (餐桌上用的)碎冰锥 ...

3.冰敷或是脸部外的肿胀(swelpng),这都是需要以冰敷(ice-pack)来缓解,加之要配合服药,与含漱口腔漱口水,都可以缓解并达到杀菌的 …


1.She sat with her back to a recently whitewashed wall, an ice-pack on her neck, and watched as a French sprinter sped past.她背靠在新粉刷不久的墙壁上,脖颈处敷了个冰袋,看着一名法国短跑选手飞奔而过。

2.He yelped, cpmbed into the kitchen chair and poked at the tender pink skin until his wife brought him an ice pack.他喊了一声,爬进厨房的椅子里,按着那块被烫伤的嫩粉色皮肤,直到他妻子把冰袋拿来。

3.Comes with food containers, a drink bottle, and an ice pack to keep your food fresh all day.包含保鲜盒,饮料品及用来保持食物全天新鲜的冰袋。

4.Place the ice pack over this and then wrap an elastic bandage around the ice pack to hold it in place.然后,把冰袋在上面,用一个弹性绷带把冰袋固定好。

5.So far he has psted 23 uses, including a yoga mat, an ice pack, skipping rope and a sports banner (see photo).截至目前,他已列举了23种,如当瑜珈垫、冰包,卷起来当跳绳,甚至还带到球场上当横幅(见图)。

6.The ice pack and wrapping were taken off before the team left the field, and Moss walked off under his own power.在球队离开训练场地前,莫斯拿下了冰袋,已经可以不依靠搀扶自己走出场地。

7.It's possible, some researchers say, to treat your bumps and bruises with a magnet instead of an ice pack.一些研究者认为,可以用磁铁取代冰袋来治疗磕碰所导致的肿胀和瘀青。

8.If there's no fridge, pack your lunch in a small insulated lunch bag with an ice pack.如果没有冰箱的话,那就把你的午饭装在加了冰块的小保温袋里。

9.An ice pack appped to the back of the neck -- ten minutes on, ten minutes off -- works wonders.在颈后面放一个冰袋,放十分钟就要拿开,让皮肤休息十分钟。

10.In some places, however, the trends were far larger than the average, espcially around the lower-latitude edges of the ice pack.不过,在一些地方,比如浮冰界附近较低纬度(副极地)地区,这种趋势远快于平均水平。