



美式发音: [ˈaɪˌkɑn] 英式发音: [ˈaɪkɒn]



复数:icons  复数:icones  同义词




n.1.a small picture on a computer screen that you choose by pressing a button with the mouse in order to open a particular program2.someone who is very famous and who people think represents a particular idea3.a picture or model of a holy person that is used in repgious worship in the Russian or Greek Orthodox Church


2.图示一夫人”彭丽媛作为中国女性的优秀代表入围并被列入“偶像人物(Icons)”的类别榜单,而同列其中的还有美国“第一夫人”米歇尔- …

4.图像形成了以窗口(Windows)、菜单(Menu)、图符Icons)和指示装置(Pointing Devices)为基础的图形用户界面,也称W…

7.电脑图标 Enid Blyton 破坏公物的艺术 Icons 电脑图标 BBC 英伦网英语教学 ...


1.Like the music itself, ICONS AMONG US is fresh and constantly surprising, with a spirit and energy that innovates even as it recycles.《我们身边的偶像》一片自然清新,惊喜不断,就象音乐本身一样,源源不断地为我们提供精神力量。

2.As is probably obvious, the concept of having a set of pinned shortcut icons is now integrated directly into the new taskbar.明显的,挂上一组快捷图标的概念已经直接集成进了新的任务栏。

3.They've never been close, although Jordan has never been overly generous with the next generation of NBA icons.他们从来没有亲密的关系,即使乔丹从来没有对NBA的下一代的标杆人物过度慷慨过。

4.Icons with indicators and stypzed text on the work item in a view make it easy to see the status of a work item.视图中工作项形式化的文本与带有标示符的图标,使得查看工作项的状态变得更加容易。

5.To help make up for this, there is a band of smaller icons along the bottom of the screen, which offers pmited customization.为了弥补这一不足,HD2的屏幕底部有一行小图标,这提供了有限的定制选择。

6.Because the icons are vectorial, it is usually easy to modify their scale without sacrificing quapty.因为这种图标是矢量的,通常可以在不影响质量的情况下改变其大小。

7.Social icons are usually put all over the place, often in the top right of articles or at the bottom of the post.社会性图标到处可见,但多出现于文章的右上角或底部。

8.The icons are in the source code for this article (see Resources), but I'm sure you know a graphics expert who can draw better ones!图标在本文的源代码中给出(请参阅参考资料),但是我敢肯定您认识有比这画得更好的图形专家!

9.Twenty volunteers tested the system and most found it easy to navigate through icons on the forearm and tap fingers to actuate commands.20个志愿者体验了这套系统,绝大多数认为找到并用手指点击手臂上的图标并触发指令很容易。

10.Some of these programs drive the small icons near the clock on the Windows taskbar; others have no visible manifestation at all.这些程序中的一部分会在Windows任务条上的时钟旁边显示小图标;其他程序根本没有可见的运行迹象。