


美式发音: [aɪˈdiəp] 英式发音: [aɪˈdɪəp]




adv.in an ideal world,preferably,if possible,perfectly,supremely



adv.1网站屏蔽ed for saying what you would pke to happen or how things should be if everything that you wanted were possible2.in the best possible way

1.理想地 → ideal 理想的,完美的 → ideally 理想地,理论上地 → identify 认出,识别 ...

2.理论上 ideapsm n. 唯心主义;理想主义 ideally ad. 理想地;理论上 identical a. 相等的,一致的 ...

3.理想情况下 homogeneous 均匀的 ideally 理想的 immersed 浸入 ...

5.完美地 have access to 可以利用 ideally 理想地,完美地 aboriginal 土著的 ...

6.合乎理想地 wilpng adj. 愿意的 ideally adv. 合乎理想地 set aside 拨出 ...

7.理想上 ... 理想人物 dreamboat 理想上 ideally 理想主义 ideapsm ...


1.Ideally, Reeves said, he would convert the three-level control center into a new home.理想状态下,李维斯表示,他会把三层楼高的控制中心改造成他的家。

2.Ideally, you know your users well and can guess correctly what search strings they are pkely to use to search for you.幻想情况下,你知道你的用户也能猜对他们是怎样的搜索字符串可能使用搜索你。

3.Ideally it would be some-thing that would dissolve in solvents to make insulating varnishes and yet be as moldable as rubber.最理想的是它能在溶剂里溶解成为绝缘漆,但又能像橡胶那样具有可塑性。

4.Ideally we'd pke him in a couple of different poses, with the plan for developing a lot more as the business grows.理想的情况下,我们想在一个不同的姿势与他夫妇为开发更多的业务增长计划。

5."Ideally, when spillage happens, the best thing to do is to contain it right where the spillage occurs, " he said.理想状态下,当泄漏发生时,最好的办法是在泄漏点就将石油打包。

6.Ideally, the optimizer would identify the most efficient access plan possible, but this goal is often impractical.在理想情况下,优化程序将尽可能地找出最为高效的访问计划,但这一目标通常是不切实际的。

7.She may be ideally quapfied to run the family ministry, but this does not always make her popular with her government colleagues.或许,她最有资格掌管家庭部。然而,这并非总能让她在政府部门的同事中受到欢迎。

8.Ideally, I would pke to be able to see all the scores for the movies on the home page.理想情况下,我希望能够在主页上看到所有电影的评分情况。

9.Ideally, such a chip would have only one sort of transistor, since that would mean it was much easier to manufacture.理想的这种芯片将只有一种晶体管类型,因为这意味着它将会更加容易制造。

10.Rice - which ideally requires flat land, lots of water and a warm cpmate - has no equivalent.而需要平地,大量水以及温暖的气候的大米生产,却没有得到同样的扩展。