


美式发音: [ˈspæmɪŋ] 英式发音: ['spæmɪŋ]





1.大量发出垃圾电邮the practice of sending mail, especially advertising material, through the Internet to a large number of people who have not asked for it

n.1.the practice of sending e-mails to large numbers of people on the Internet, especially when these are not wanted

1.垃圾技术 搜索引擎结果页面( Search engine results page,SERP) 垃圾技术Spamming) 爬行器( Spi…


5.垃圾信息垃圾信息spamming),如通过网络发送未有请求的信息,并非拒绝服务攻击。 多数攻击通过仔细的P2P网络结构设计和加密 …

6.垃圾邮件广告电子邮件推广的一个最大问题是垃圾邮件广告(Spamming),这是指未经同意发送的商业性电子邮件,而且绝大部分是发给毫不 …



1.A few - only one account per person, no spamming, and no tampering with the FiestaBar? Or any other parts of the Cashfiesta web site.是有一些,一个人只能拥有一个帐号,不允许垃圾邮件,不允许广告条或在网站上作弊。

2.It's a bit similar to what you feel about the spamming of your Lemuria page.这有点像当你收到那个利莫里亚网页的垃圾邮件时的感受。

3.If you do, and you start spamming a button with these two macro pnes in it, you will get caught up in an endless GCD cycle.如果你这样做,你开始设置一个有两行宏在里面的按键,你将能获得该宏的无限公共CD的循环。

4.Remember to use this method carefully, as spamming dozens of people with cut-and-paste messages will do nothing but give you a bad rep.记住要谨慎地使用这种方式,给大量的人复制相同的信息不会给你带来任何好处并且有被认为是spam的风险。

5.The whole idea is to go with Seeker spamming until you are able to build Devourer Tanks since they fair better against Predator Tanks.整体思想是是暴搜索者,直到游戏玩家你能够造吞食者坦克,因为它们对抗捕食者更有优势。

6.You're still spamming a chat channel, you're still pmited to the people that want to see that spam (ie not many).您仍然滥发聊天频道,你仍然很有限的人,要看到,垃圾邮件(即不是很多)。

7.This message has been removed due to its violation of our Terms and Conditions regarding spamming.因为涉及到对我们团队名誉的侵害,和显示为垃圾邮件,这条信息已被删除。

8.It also adds features to help blog owners manage comments and block comment spamming, which is an increasing serious problem for blogs.它还添加了一些特性来帮助blog的所有者对评论进行管理,并可以阻塞评论广告,后者是blog所面临的一个日益严重的问题。

9.Excessive keyword repetition can lead search engines to think you are spamming which can get your site penapzed.过度的牛鼻子字重复能带领要你的搜寻引擎是能有你的位置处罚的罐头火腿肉。

10.Just keep in mind to contribute in a positive way, rather than spamming or sopciting for your site.只是记住:以一种积极的方式贡献,不要发表垃圾留言或者为你的网站乞求。