




1.圣提诺一些场景没有运用选焦也会产生类似效果一样:如饭桌 上桑蒂诺(Santino)警告卡洛(Carlo)不要对他妹妹大喊大叫那一场戏, …

4.桑堤诺: Project Runway -... ... Jeffrey( 杰佛瑞) 作品: Santino( 桑堤诺) 作品: Up( 邬莉) 作品: ...

5.桑提诺桑提诺santino), 黑发意大利吸血鬼,1349年被某个不知名的好心老吸血鬼从黑死病蔓延的死城里面救出,并且被变成吸血 …

6.圣旗诺经过精心的策划和筹备,他们的自创品牌圣旗诺Santino)问世了。为了保证产品从设计到生产都处在领先地位,他们在国内 …


1.Santino Corleone: Let me ask you something. What about this McCluskey? What do we do with this cop?让我问你,这个迈克劳斯基呢?我们要拿这个条子怎么办?

2.Santino Corleone: At least a year.至少得一年,迈克。

3.If he refused to be instructed, Santino could never run the family business, could never become a Don.如果他拒绝被教导,桑蒂诺永远不能运作家族产业,永远不能成为堂。

4.Before you bring him in, tell Santino to come here.你带他进来前,告诉桑蒂诺来这儿。

5.Santino Corleone: Get out of here! It's a private party. Go on! What is it? It's my sister's wedding. Goddamn FBI don't respect nothing!你们在干什么?滚!这是私人宴会,快滚!这算什么?这是我妹妹的婚礼。该死的联邦密探什么都不尊重。

6.Santino Corleone: Hanging around the house on the phone would be a big help. Try Luca again.听我说…待在家里接电话那会大有帮助的。再试着打给路卡。

7.Santino would have sulked and behaved badly for weeks afterward.桑蒂诺会生闷气,并且以后几个星期表现不好。

8.was with a man named Santino. . .是和一个叫桑提罗的男人…

9.Tommasino: It's still dangerous. . . We've heard from Santino in New York. . . Your enemies know you're here.还是十分危险…我听纽约的山提诺说的…你的敌人知道你在这了。

10.Michael Corleone: Santino did he say when I can go back?山提诺有没有说我何时能回去?