


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌaɪdɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n]





1.构思 ideate 形成概念 ideation 观念作用 ideational apraxia 观念性失用症 ...

3.构思能力 ideate 形成概念 ideation 构思能力 idee fixe 固定观念 ...

4.观念化化”作出过明确的划分:“在直观被给予性上通过直接的观念化(Ideation)而把握到的本质是‘不精确的’本质,它们不能混同于‘精 …

5.观念构成 分析判断能力 judgement 思维能力 ideation 应变能力 tact ...


8.自杀意念自杀行为的概念包括自杀意念ideation)、自杀企图(attempt)和自杀死亡(completion)。目前关于抑郁症对自杀行为的诱 …


1."I had six weeks' worth of slow ideation, " he said, "of all the different ways you could wrap a cable. "“我用了六个星期的时间慢慢构思,”他说,“我想了缠线的所有的不同方法。”

2.Objective To understand the positive rate of suicide ideation of university students and its affecting factors.目的了解大学生自杀意念的阳性率及其相关因素的影响。

3.Conclusion Dispositional optimism would be a moderator of the relationship between negative pfe events and suicide ideation.结论气质性乐观是负性生活事件与自杀意念之间的调节器。

4.Concept ideation : the attempt to relate the goals of the design program to the needs of the market and the constraints of the site.概念意念:企图与目标的设计方案,以满足市场的需求和限制的网站。

5.He noted that suicide ideation for patients with bipolar disorder who were taking an antiepileptic agent was "a very unusual outcome. "他注意到构想自杀观念对于服用抗癫痫药物的双相患者来说是“非常罕见”。

6.Suicide ideation refers to the mentation of an attempted suicide and suicide completer at the early stage.自杀意念是自杀未遂和有自杀死亡者早期的心理活动。

7.Results Cases analysis and discussion made the theory component of abstract become pvely, and made students' cpnic ideation cultivated.结果病例分析及讨论使抽象的理论内容变得生动形象,使学生的临床思维能力得到培养。

8.Objective: To understand the situation of boredom proneness and suicide ideation of college students.目的:考察大学生无聊倾向性与自杀意念现状。

9.A 22-year-old man with a known bipolar disorder was admitted to a psychiatric department for depression and suicidal ideation.一名22岁男子已知躁郁症考上了精神科的抑郁症和自杀意念。

10.Others may fear being locked up, although suicidal ideation alone is not a sufficient reason to place a patient on a locked ward.也有人可能害怕会被关起来,虽然只有自杀想法是不足以被关进一间病房里的。