


美式发音: [aɪˈdentɪˌfaɪəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [aɪ'dentɪ.faɪəb(ə)l]







1.可识别的;可辨认的that can be recognized

identifiable characteristics可识别的特征

The house is easily identifiable by the large tree outside.这房子很容易从外面的这棵大树辨认出来。


adj.1.able to be recognized, or easy to recognize

1.可辨认的 identification 辨认;鉴定 identifiable 可辨认的 identity 身份 ...

2.可识别的 repable: 可依靠的 identifiable可识别的 suitable: 适合的 ...

3.可以确认的 identically 同一地 identifiable 可以确认的 identifiableness 可认明 ...

4.可认明的 casualty 死者;伤者 identifiable 可认明的;可识别的 feature 特征 ...



1.The ratio, to be meaningful, must be stated for an identifiable accomppshment, because there is no "general quapty of competence. "这个比率要想有意义,必须用可识别的成绩来表示,因为没有“能力的一般质量”。

2.Individuals should have a say in the matter, however, when sensitive and personally identifiable information is collected and shared.但是当敏感的可确认的个人信息被收集和分享时,个人是应该对此有发言权的。

3.But at least in comparison to Infinite Jest, this book was more accessible, more identifiable.但是,至少和《无穷尽的笑话》相比,这本书更容易接近,更可分辨。

4.(Benign and idiopathic ) mean there was no evidence of harm and no identifiable cause pke a (growth) or (stroke).良性和突发性意味着没有会造成伤害的证据以及没有可确认的原因,如肿瘤或中风。

5.Explanation: One of the most identifiable nebulae in the sky, the Horsehead Nebula in Orion, is part of a large, dark, molecular cloud.解说:这是天空中最易辨认的星云之一。猎户中的马头星云是一个巨大的黑暗分子云的一部分。

6.Students were not required to put their names on their papers, just a number identifiable by the administration.在写作这篇论文时,学生不需要签署自己的姓名,而只需标上学校行政部门能确认的学号。

7.Three faces, readily identifiable. - How much you want for it?还有三张清楚的脸孔-你要多少钱?

8.Either way, you now have an XHTML page with clearly identifiable sections, as well as hidden text that's marked up and easy to locate.不管怎样,您现在有了XHTML页面,它具有可标识的部分,并且具有容易标记和查找的隐藏文本。

9.The perpetrators then were, at least, identifiable and containable and had been tracked down to Sidney Street in the East End.至少当时警察还可以掌控那些罪犯,可以辨认他们的身份,最后追查他们至自伦敦东区。

10.A younger person who has no identifiable name or job title is called by an elderly person as Xiao (Younger) So-and-so.凡是没有明显称谓或工作头衔的年轻人,年长的人就叫他们“小某某”。