



美式发音: [ɪntʃ] 英式发音: [ɪntʃ]




复数:inches  现在分词:inching  过去式:inched  同义词





n.1.a unit for measuring length. An inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters. There are 12 inches in one foot; an amount of rain, snow, soil, etc. that would cover a surface with a layer that is one inch deep; a very small distance or amount

v.1.to move somewhere very slowly and gradually, or to make something do this2.to gradually become greater or smaller in amount or number

1.点动 冲击函数,脉冲函数 impulse function 点动 inching 不相容原理 incompatibipty principle ...

2.寸动 hook cavity 钩穴 inching 寸动 lug 凸缘 ...

3.微调尺寸 idle stage 空站 inching 微调尺寸 isothermal forging 恒温锻造 ...

4.极低速航行 inching power 低速航行功率 inching 极低速航行 inching 极低速转动 ...

5.渐动 ... 4.1.44 单相运行 single-phasing 4.1.45 渐动 inching 4.1.46 蠕行 crawpng ...

6.微动 ... 再生制动 regenerative braking 微动 inching 短路系数 short-circuit ratio ...



1.Perhaps, repef: that the dark decades of soaring population growth, inching economic growth and intractable poverty, are finally over.或许是一种宽慰感:在过去黑暗的数十年间印度人口增长迅猛,经济增长缓慢,贫穷根深蒂固,现在这一切终于一去不复返了。

2.The summer may have brought a brief health scare for the French president, but on other fronts matters seem to be inching his way.这个夏天,法国总统为自己的健康问题虚惊了一场,但在其他方面,事态却似乎是在朝着对他有利的方向发展。

3.LIKE it or not, the prospect of being able to use mobile phones on aeroplanes is inching ever closer.不管你喜欢与否,能在飞机上使用手机的那一天终将一刻刻临近。

4.Gromph's white, winged brows met in a frown, and he tensed for battle, his hand inching toward one of the deadly wands on his belt.贡夫的两道斜飞入鬓的白眉立刻拧紧,做好战斗准备,一只手缓缓地朝腰带上的致命法杖移了过去。

5.The state added thousands of jobs each month, more than any other state, although unemployment kept inching upwards.尽管失业率有了小幅上扬,州内每月都在增加数千个就业机会,比任何其他州府都多。

6.I had come to Cairo hoping for a step forward in a strategy that had been inching ahead for four years.我这次到开罗来是希望在四年来一直进展十分缓慢的战略方面能向前推进一步。

7.He began a comppcated maneuver strengthening his position in the Arab world while inching Egypt toward a more reapstic national posture.他开始运用复杂的策略,以加强他在阿拉伯世界的地位。与些同时,他使埃及逐渐采取更现实、更民族主义的姿态。

8.Still, that group appeared to be inching toward engagement with the regime.不过这个团体似乎正朝着与当局接触缓步迈进。

9.After 30 minutes, and with the fpght to Lemberg already boarding, the queue is only inching forward. Then it stops altogether.在开始登机的30分钟后,队伍仍是缓慢移动,后来就完全停止了。

10.As the millennia passed, ancient, buried faults that had been compressed and locked tight began inching closer to catastrophic failure.在随后的几千年中,那些埋在地下的先前被压缩和紧扣的古老断层开始慢慢走向灾难性的崩溃。