


美式发音: [ˈwɔrd(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈwɔː(r)d(ə)n]



复数:wardens  同义词




1.管理人;看守人;监护人a person who is responsible for taking care of a particular place and making sure that the rules are obeyed

a forest warden护林员

the warden of a youth hostel青年旅舍的管理员

2.监狱长the person in charge of a prison

3.(英国)学院院长,协会会长,机构主管(in Britain) a title given to the head of some colleges and institutions

the Warden of Wadham College, Oxford牛津大学沃德姆学院院长


n.1.someone whose job is to be responsible for everything that happens in a prison2.someone whose job is to be responsible for a particular place or thing, and who checks that rules are obeyed

1.守望者 人民检察院检察长 Procurator-General,People's procuratorates 监狱长 Warden 律师 Lawyer ...

3.看守人 oaken 橡树制的 warden 看守人 citizen 公民 ...

4.典狱长 Priestess of the Moon/ 月亮女祭祀 Warden/ 典狱长 Blade Master/ 剑圣 ...

5.管理员 wanton 顽皮的,放纵的 warden 看守人,管理员 warder 看守,守卫,看门人 ...

6.典狱官 尖刺者 Stinger 130 典狱官 Warden 145 卫兵 Sentry 135 ...

7.舍监 Singapore Boys' Hostel 新加坡男童宿舍 Warden 舍监 Assistant Warden 助理舍 …

8.监护人 so...that„ (在 (warden n. 监护人; 看守人) (catch hold of 抓住) -- ...


1.There the warden handed Jimmy his pardon, which had been signed that morning by the governor.到了那里,监狱长将一张赦免书递给基米,这是今天早上州长签署的。

2.He decided to give up research and in 1695 accepted an appointment as warden of the British Mint in London.他决定放弃研究,并于一六九五年接受任命,担任伦敦的不列颠造币厂的监察。

3.After he escaped and was caught for the second time, the warden and guards were determined not to let Luke make fools of them a third time.他第二次越狱,被抓住以后,监狱长和守卫都觉得再也不能被卢克愚弄了。

4.the other half, it landed him in soptary. Warden Norton's "grain & drain" vacation. Bread, water, and all the privacy you could want.“另一半情况,他则会被关禁闭――典狱长诺顿的“吃饱与消耗”休假。面包、水,所有独处(禁闭)用的必需品。”

5.The matter was debated further over the next few years, with all talks of invasion stalled by the Warden Khans.接下来的几年一直在辩论,所有有关入侵的对话都被守望者派可汗停止了。

6.Bpnk - Teleports the Warden a short distance, allowing her to move in and out of combat.闪烁-短距离传送守卫者,允许她从战斗中移进或移出。

7.Mr. Warden worked on desktop software for the company for five years, he said.沃顿说,他曾在苹果从事了五年的桌面软件开发。

8."You've got to help me, " Lincoln begs Pope as he stands shackled in the warden's office.“你必须得帮帮我,”Lincoln戴着全副镣铐站在狱长办公室内向Pope求情。

9.A few days ago, a traffic warden was beaten by a group of lawyers for stopping a lawyer's motorcycle for a traffic violation on The Mall.几天前,一名交通督导员因阻止一名在TheMall地区违规交通的律师,而被一群律师殴打。

10.The letter closed with sincere greetings which I did not think referred to me, but to the fact that the warden was sincere about the issue.这封信结尾真诚的问候我认为不是跟我说的,而是那个监狱长对待此问题倒是很真诚的。