



美式发音: [ˈaɪd(ə)l] 英式发音: ['aɪd(ə)l]



复数:idols  同义词




n.1.someone that you admire very mucstrong.a picture or statue that is worshipped as a god

1.偶像 universal intellect 普遍理智 idols 假相,偶像 theory of four idols 四假相说 ...

2.假相 【中文词条】第一推动者 the first mover 【中文词条】假相 idols 【中文词条】观念 ideas ...

3.偶像们 ... ◎The Fiery Gates - 炼狱之门 ◎Idols - 崇拜偶像 ◎The Fallen - 堕落 ...

5.偶像系列目、电视剧、纪录片、和系列剧等,其中包括红遍全球的偶像系列(idols)、达人系列(got talent)和x元素(x-factor)。

6.雕像 17. Nail( 钉) 13. Idols雕像) 14. Irrigation( 灌溉) ...

7.破除偶像 思 想 内 涵 Bacon 破除偶像 idols 对教育的启示 Nietzsche ...

8.偶像选秀他真人秀节目包括《生存者》(Survivor)、《偶像选秀》(Idols)、《全美超级模特儿新秀大赛》(America’s Next Top Model)、 …


1.And I will lay the dead carcasses of the children of Israel before their idols; and I will scatter your bones round about your altars.我也要将以色列人的尸首放在他们的偶像面前,将你们的骸骨抛散在你们祭坛的四围。

2.While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was greatly distressed to see that the city was full of idols.保罗在雅典等候他们的时后,看见满城都是偶像,就心里着急。

3.It is a world crowed with idols and stars, some are just pke a meteor across the sky, shining for a while, but then dims.这是一个充满偶像,明星的时代。他们犹如那划过天际的流星,绚烂一时,昙花一现,终将暗淡了星光;

4.Ludwig commissioned this castle as a tribute to one of his idols, the Sun King, Louis XIV of France, and his elaborate Palace of Versailles.路德维希要求将该堡供奉他的一个崇拜者太阳之王,即法国路易十四。该堡是仿造路易十四精心制造的凡尔赛宫。

5.The theory of the truth has converted the head, but the soul temple has not been cleansed from its idols. . .真理的理论已使大脑悔改了,但那心殿中的偶像还没有清除出来。

6.Every man is senseless and without knowledge; every goldsmith is shamed by his idols. His images are a fraud; they have no breath in them.各人都成了畜类,毫无知识。各银匠都因他的偶像羞愧。他所铸的偶像本是虚假的,其中并无气息。

7.After graduation, she met one of her musical idols, Stevie Nicks, who encouraged her to pursue music and move to Nashville, Tennessee.毕业之后,她遇到了她的音乐偶像史蒂薇•妮克丝。在史蒂薇•妮克丝的鼓励下,她坚持着自己对音乐的追求,并搬到了田纳西州纳什维尔居住。

8.Like Michael Jackson and Justin Timberlake, they were able to break the idols barrier and began to write songs on their own.像迈克尔·杰克逊和贾斯汀,他们能够打破偶像的障碍,并开始自己写歌。

9.In his twelfth year he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem of high places, Asherah poles, carved idols and cast images.到了十二年才洁净犹大和耶路撒冷,除掉丘坛,木偶,雕刻的像,和铸造的像。

10.pke many repgious idols , she was openly abused and ridiculed , in her case by the same press that stoked the pubpc worship of her.就像很多的偶像,她公开地被指责与嘲笑,以黛妃来说,同一家新闻报社也会报导大众对她的崇敬。