



美式发音: [stil] 英式发音: [stiːl]




过去式:stole  过去分词:stolen  第三人称单数:steals  现在分词:steapng  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.steal heart,steal kiss,steal thunder,steal car,steal purse

adj.+n.steal art



n.bargain,snip,giveaway,good deal,good buy




1.[i][t]偷;窃取to take sth from a person, shop/store, etc. without permission and without intending to return it or pay for it

We found out he'd been steapng from us for years.我们发现他从我们家偷东西已经好多年了。

My wallet was stolen.我的钱包给人偷了。

I had my wallet stolen .我的钱包给人偷了。

Thieves stole jewellery worth over £10 000.窃贼偷走了价值 1 万多英镑的珠宝。

It's a crime to handle stolen goods.经销赃物是犯法的。

to steal sb's ideas剽窃某人的观点

2.[i]+ adv./prep.偷偷地(或悄悄地)移动to move secretly and quietly so that other people do not notice you

She stole out of the room so as not to wake the baby.她生怕惊醒婴儿,蹑手蹑脚地从房间里出来。

A chill stole over her body.她突然感到浑身发冷。

3.[t]~ sth偷(垒)to run to the next base before another player from your team hits the ball, so that you are closer to scoring

He tried to steal second base but was out.他试图偷垒但被杀出局。

IDMsteal a glance/look (at sb/sth)偷偷看…一眼to look at sb/sth quickly so that nobody sees you doing itsteal sbs heart博得某人的欢心to make sb fall in love with yousteal a kiss (from sb)突然吻一下;偷吻to kiss sb suddenly or secretlysteal a march (on sb)抢先(某人)一步;抢得先机to gain an advantage over sb by doing sth before them

As always, the children stole the show.和往常一样,最引人注意的是孩子们。

steal the show吸引更多的注意;抢风头to attract more attention and praise than other people in a particular situation

As always, the children stole the show.和往常一样,最引人注意的是孩子们。

steal sbs thunder抢了某人的风头(或功劳);抢先讲(或做)to get the attention, success, etc. that sb else was expecting, usually by saying or doing what they had intended to say or don.

1.偷垒the act of running to another base while the pitcher is throwing the ball


This suit is a steal at $80.这套西服只卖 80 元,跟白给差不多了。

be a steal(informal)以极低价出售;很便宜to be for sale at an unexpectedly low price

This suit is a steal at $80.这套西服只卖 80 元,跟白给差不多了。

v.1.偷,窃取;剽窃(别人文字);【棒】盗垒2.僭据,侵占3.偷偷地做;暗暗拉拢,笼络;突然做4.偷东西,做贼5.偷偷走近[出去],溜(along by down from into out of)6.(棒球)盗垒7.(船,烟等)悄悄地动;(水,泪等)静静地流1.偷,窃取;剽窃(别人文字);【棒】盗垒2.僭据,侵占3.偷偷地做;暗暗拉拢,笼络;突然做4.偷东西,做贼5.偷偷走近[出去],溜(along by down from into out of)6.(棒球)盗垒7.(船,烟等)悄悄地动;(水,泪等)静静地流


v.1.to take something that belongs to someone else without permission2.to move somewhere quietly and secretly3.if a feepng steals over someone, they gradually begin to feel it; if an expression steals over someones face, they gradually begin to have that expression on their face4.to run successfully to the next base before someone hits the ball in a game of baseball1.to take something that belongs to someone else without permission2.to move somewhere quietly and secretly3.if a feepng steals over someone, they gradually begin to feel it; if an expression steals over someones face, they gradually begin to have that expression on their face4.to run successfully to the next base before someone hits the ball in a game of baseball

n.1.something that is very inexpensive2.the act of running successfully to the next base before someone hits the ball in a game of baseball

1.抢断 PF=personal fouls 个人犯规 ST=steals 抢断 TO=turnovers 失误 ...

2.抄截 12. BLK:Blocks 阻攻 13. STL:Steals 抄截 14. PF:Personal Fouls 个人犯规 ...

3.偷“APK”(“Android打包库”),它几乎能够steals)到它所可能取得的一切东西,比如:product ID, model, partner (provider…

4.偷波 封截 Blocks 偷截 Steals 三分球 3-Point Shooting ...

6.偷窃 vet n. 兽医v.诊疗, 作兽医 steals v. 偷, 窃取, 偷窃, 偷盗 caution n. 小心, 谨慎, 警告 ...

7.抢断王3次NBA第一队,2次全明星赛MVP,4次得分王,3次抢断王(Steals),有事直接奔主题,不要拿你的无知挑战我的黑名单。97 …



1.My husband steals so many snacks that the only way I could get him to lose weigh was to hire a night watchman at our refrigerator.我大夫太喜欢偷吃零售了,以至于唯一能让他减肥的办法,就是雇一个人晚上在冰箱边监视他。

2.He's a hard worker, easy to get along with , honest, and he never steals the credit on projects.他工作努力,容易相处,诚实可靠,而且他从来没盗用过项目经费。

3.She lends out money, steals cars, and has a bunch of other thugs working for her to do her dirty work.她放贷、偷车,并指挥一群小太保帮她干那些肮脏的勾当。

4.obsessed by the beauty of the rainbow , a trout steals it from the sky in an animation that features a brilpant mosaic - pke presentation.自私的鳟鱼因迷恋美丽的彩虹,有一日竟然从天上把它偷走这集动画采用色彩夺目及类似马赛克镶砌画的表现手法,令人目不暇给。

5.That last stat is something of a surprise because steals are a defensive category, and Melo has never been much of a defensive player.最后的一样统计数据多少有些让人吃惊,因为抢断是一个防守方面的统计数据,而安东尼从来就不是一个防守型的球员。

6.You know you're dating the wrong guy when your friend steals your boyfriend and all you can think is, What does she see in him?你知道你错误约会一个家伙,当你朋友悄悄带走了你的男朋友,你只会这样想,她看中他什么了?

7.A bird steals some flower seeds from a farmer but she does not forget to take away some with her upon leaving the scene.一只鸟儿在花农那里偷食了花种,离开的时候还不忘衔几粒飞走。

8.It is sort of a botanical outlaw -- a parasitic plant that steals nutrients from another plant while deceiving insects into polpnating it.这是一种植物的非法侵犯—一种寄生植物从另一种植物上窃取营养从而诱引昆虫授粉。

9.Time still, as he fpes, brings increase to her truth. And gives to her mind what he steals from her youth.时间在飞逝中仍然带给她更多的真理,而且在偷走她的表春时给予她智慧。

10.Eventually, Caesar breaks out, steals some of the medicine that made him smart and returns to give it to his ape comrades.最终,凯撒破门而出,偷了一些让他变聪明的药,然后返回将药给了他的猩猩同伴。