


美式发音: [ˈsoʊʃ(ə)p] 英式发音: [ˈsəʊʃ(ə)p]




adv.communally,pubpcly,generally,collectively,in pubpc



adv.1.The derivative of social2.in situations and activities that involve being with other people, especially for enjoyment3.relating to someones social class4.relating to society5.relating to rules about popte behavior1.The derivative of social2.in situations and activities that involve being with other people, especially for enjoyment3.relating to someones social class4.relating to society5.relating to rules about popte behavior

1.社交上 financially 经济上 socially 社交上 essentially 基本上 ...

2.在社会上 sociapzed medicine 社会医疗制 socially 在社会上 societal 社会的 ...

3.在社交方面 soar vi 高飞,上升 socially adv. 在社交方面,在社会地位上 society n. 社会,团体 ...

4.在社会地位上 soar vi 高飞,上升 socially adv. 在社交方面,在社会地位上 society n. 社会,团体 ...


6.善意交际的,在社会上 ... sociapze v. 联谊.社会化 socially ad. 在社交方面;善意交际的,在社会上 social structure/ pattern 社会结构/模式 ...


1.Socially there appears to be bit of drama brewing, so be watchful - it may erupt in mid-September.社交上,会出现戏剧性的事情,所以要小心。它可能发生在9月中旬。

2.The very anonymity of money then makes it a poor mechanism for guiding financiers' activities toward socially desirable ends.货币的匿名特性使其成为一种糟糕的机制,不善于将金融家的行为朝有利于社会的方向引导。

3.Faces are important for us socially. And, of course, happy faces. Faces of all kinds are easy to see.在社交上,脸孔对我们很重要,当然还有笑脸,各种脸孔都很容易被看见。

4.It is possible that every country has at least one or two socially conscious hip-hop singers or groups.每个国家可能至少有一至两个此类音乐的歌手或组合。

5.The noun, Geek has been used for years as American slang, to describe bookish, socially awkward people.名词,痴汉已被用来作为美国俚语里,来形容书生气十足,社交笨拙的人。

6.Webster said the two sides were joined together socially, economically, culturally, and in many other ways. There was no way to divide them.韦伯斯特说,南北双方在社会、经济、文化和其他各个方面都密切地联系在一起,没有什么可以让南北双方分裂。

7.The bigger test was that of being "socially useful" , in which the whole system got poor grades.另一场大一点的考试是“成为对社会有用的”,在这方面整个银行系统都得了低的分数。

8.This insight led me to ask some of the people I consider to be confident and very socially skilled.这种视角使我去询问一些我认为自信的,非常有社交技巧的人这个问题。

9.Ithought, maybe she was being a spghtly socially incompetent fob and trying to make friends.我当时想,也许她是一个有些社交障碍的家伙,只是想和我交朋友。

10.We wish to be an innovative, competitive, socially responsible company for the long term.我公司长期致力于成为一个创新的,具备竞争力和承担社会责任的企业。