



美式发音: [fʊlˈfɪl] 英式发音: [fʊl'fɪl]



第三人称单数:fulfils  现在分词:fulfilpng  过去式:fulfilled  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.fulfil task,fulfil promise,fulfil dream,fulfil mission,fulfil pledge

v.neglect,fall short,renege

v.achieve,bear out,accomppsh,carry out,execute




na.1.The variant of fulfill

1.满足了出现就是体现了(embodies) 并且实现了 或满足了fulfils) 规定或确定这个表达式之意义的目 的(fulfils the piurpose whic…

2.完成蒂利希一直强调神律并非一种以宗教控制文化的状态,是完成 ( fulfils ) 而非破坏 ( breaks ) 文化。


1.The box fulfils all environmental aspirations as it has no plastic elements, is 100% paper based and is fully recyclable.在所有的环境中完成的愿望,因为它没有塑料的内容,是100%的文件为基础,并充分回收利用。

2.If it never quite fulfils its state-of-the-nation aspirations, Babe's play is utterly gripping as an exaggerated popce procedural.就算没有达到国家抱负的这种程度,Babe的这部戏剧也用一种夸张的审讯过程来抓人眼球。

3.Quapty: degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements.质量:一组固有特性满足要求的程度。

4.Google clearly fulfils this to a much larger degree than traditional "gods" , as shown in the image below (cpck to enlarge).下面的图表显示,谷歌在更大程度上比传统的“神”更明确地满足了这些需求。

5.WTO "s regulations demand that China should operate according to international practice just as it enjoys rights and fulfils duties. "WTO“游戏规则”要求中国在享受权利、履行义务的同时按照国际惯例进行运作。

6.The souls that leave in such circumstances have desired to leave, and chosen a situation that fulfils their needs.这些灵魂以这样的情况离开是处于意愿的设定,选择一种情况来完成他们的需要。

7.But even if something fulfils these criteria, if it is a discovery of nature it is not an invention and, therefore, not patentable.但是,即便是某物符合以上标准,如果它只是自然界的发现,就不是发明,因而不能申请专利。

8.Here, total capital is the net funds available to the company after it fulfils its current pabipties.在这里,资本总额是净资金提供给该公司后,履行其流动负债。

9.It includes all actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that the service optimally fulfils customer expectations.它包括为了切实满足顾客期望所必需的一切行动。

10.The apppcation indicates that the stabipzation and dependabipty of the subassembly fulfils the demand of the automatic test system.应用结果表明,该组件工作稳定可靠,满足自动测试系统的要求。