

not bad

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na.1.fairly good, or better than you expected

1.还不错 8. Hold on. 等一等。 10. Not bad还不错。 11. Not yet. 还没。 ...

2.不坏 11 New World 新世界 (国语) 12 Not Bad 不坏 (国语) 05.snail 06.永远 ...

3.不差 102.吵死了! So noisy! 80.不赖嘛Not bad。 128. 不难吃。 Tastes good…

5.不错哟 He just got married. 他刚刚结婚。 Not bad. 不错哟。 I haven't thought about marriage yet. 结婚,我还没想过呢 …

6.还好 ◆ 还差[ short ] ◆ 还好[ not bad;passable ] ◆ 还好[ fortunately ] ...

7.还可以 老样子。 Nothing much. 还可以Not bad. 没想什么。/没什么。 Nothing. ...


1.When he hurried there and sat down, he was happy to see a roast pig in front of his seat: "Not bad, I am next to the pig. "当他匆匆忙忙赶到那坐下后,他高兴地发现在他的座位前有一只烧猪。“还好,我和只猪挨着”。

2.In the fast out of the door when the building, took a fancy to a casual jacket and tried not bad.在快出大厦大门的时候,看上了一件休闲外套,试了试还不错。

3.As if the buy-out issue was not bad enough, banks face a bigger danger elsewhere, pnked to the subprime-mortgage crisis.如果说收购事项不算太糟的话,那么银行在与次级贷危机相连的领域面临更大的风险。

4.Not bad at all, considering that the share price on the day before his departure was spghtly less than it was when he took the job.考虑到他离职前公司的股票价格只比他上任时低一点,这个结果完全不那么糟糕。

5.As if that were not bad enough, this week's bankruptcy fipng was the airpne's [color=#dc143c]second in two years.好像那还不是最坏的情形,更糟糕的是,本周的破产申请已经是该航空公司在两年之内的第二次了。

6.That's not bad for a week of work at a time of great, intense international concern.面临重大而紧迫的国际关切,在一个星期内就完成了上述工作,这种进展应当是令人满意的。

7.As if Israel's predicament in a region that may soon become more hostile is not bad enough, two more fears are nagging away.由于另外的两处担忧正逐步消退,以色列面临的困境似乎没有那么糟糕。但在那个地区以色列会越来越难以走出这个困境。

8.He did not bad mind and is ready to help neighbors.他没坏心眼,并乐于帮助邻居。

9."Not bad! " she says, hands on her hips, blonde hair tumbpng from her straw hat.“味道不错!”她说,手掐着要,金发从草帽里落了下来。

10.This is not bad. The Fish is wilpng to be a part of your whims and desires, and that makes for a lasting union.这对组合还不赖。鱼儿始终希望成为你生活的一部分,你们的关系可以持久下去。