




1.白介素-17 白介素-16 IL-16 白介素-17 IL-17 白介素-18 IL-18 ...

2.人白介素-17 ·小鼠γ干扰素( IFN-γ... ·人白介素17IL-17... ·人白细胞介素6( IL-6... ...

3.白细胞介素17(Interleukin-17) 粘蛋白1( MUC1) 白细胞介素17( IL-17) 白细胞介素4( IL-4) ...

4.大鼠白细胞介素17 ... 大鼠白细胞介素3( IL-3) 大鼠白细胞介素17IL-17) 大鼠神经元烯醇化酶( NSE) ...


1.Objective: To investigate the expression and cpnical significance of IL-17 in primary human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).目的:探讨IL-17在原发性肝癌组织中的表达及其临床意义。

2.IL-17 mainly located in portal area and was associated with fibrosis extent closely.肝组织IL-17染色位于汇管区,与纤维化高度相关;

3.Mavi Ye? il covers 17 SKUs in biscuits, crackers, chocolate, chocolate covered biscuits, corn and rice cakes, and jam.马维耶希尔17个单品中包括饼干,饼干,巧克力,巧克力饼干覆盖,玉米和大米蛋糕,和果酱。

4.The article mainly reviews the current situation of the study on the related roles of IL-17 in nervous system diseases.文章主要综述了IL-17在相关神经系统疾病中的作用的研究现状。

5.Kim Jong Il's own death on December 17th, of heart failure, came as no surprise.金正日自己在12月17日的源于心力衰竭的死亡,并不令人意外。

6.The Indian Air Force contingent includes one Il-76 and four An-32 transport aircraft, two Mi-17s and one Chetak Alouette hepcopter.印度空军特遣队派出了包括一架IL-76和4架An-32型运输机,两架Mi-17和1架ChetakAlouette直升机。

7.Kim Jong-Il visits the newly-built Pothonggang Shop in Pyongyang. Photo released on August 17, 2009.这张照片发布于2009年8月17日,画面中金正日正参观平壤新落成的普通江商店。

8.The death of Kim Jong Il on Dec. 17 was sudden but not unexpected, since he had been in ill health for several years.今年12月17日金正日的去世虽然事发突然,却并非出人意料,因为几年来他身体一直不好。

9.Prepminary study of IL-17 signal transduction pathway in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from lupus nephritis patients狼疮肾炎患者外周血单个核细胞IL-17信号转导途径的初步研究

10.Relationship between the expression of IL-17 and lupus nephritis白细胞介素-17的表达与狼疮肾炎关系初探