




1.阿布鲁o) 后卫22 马里托(Marito) 门将23 阿布雷务(Abreu) 后卫预测主力阵型:4-4-2阿克瓦 曼托拉斯泽卡兰加 矣德森 安德雷 门多萨 …

4.号阿布鲁 ... 12号胡安·卡斯蒂略 Juan Castillo 13号阿布鲁 Abreu 14号洛代罗 Lodeiro ...


6.纳帕谷干红葡 ... 2006 Colgin 美国红酒干. 1997 Abreu 纳帕谷干红葡. 2008 Dominus 多米诺斯. ...

7.艾比奥 12 卡斯迪路 CASTILLO 13 艾比奥 ABREU 14 洛迪路 LODEIRO ...

8.艾伯鲁  美国国家地震信息中心专家艾伯鲁Abreu)表示,从历史记录看,这是1897年以来在弗吉尼亚州发生的烈度最大地震,因此堪 …


1.Having watched the pitch sequence unfold from third base, Damon said that Abreu had a right to be upset.从三垒方向看到整个过程的大门,也认为阿伯有权利不爽。

2.as right fielder bobby abreu deals with his offensive skid , matsui has picked up the slack , and his contributions have not gone unnoticed.当右外野手阿不瑞尤处理著他自己进攻打击上的不利,松井接棒了,且松井的贡献有目共睹。

3.But Abreu's struggles are just a small sample of the entire team's struggles.但是阿布的低潮看来只是整个球队的一小缩影。

4.While both Abreu and Jeter shrugged at . 500, there's a bepef that this stretch of baseball isn't transitory.当阿伯和队长对五成胜率一笑置之时,可见如此连胜不会是昙花一现的信念存在他们之中。

5.Mr Abreu's team found that production of these isotopes peaks when the sun is inactive and more cosmic rays hit the Earth.阿布鲁的科研组发现,当太阳处于休眠状态,有更多宇宙射线照射到地球上的时候,这种同位素的数量达到最高值。

6.We are going pve to Caracas to hear Maestro Abreu's TED Prize wish.我们现在正和加拉加斯进行现场连线我们来听听阿布吕尔大师的TED大奖愿望。

7.Damon nearly passed Bernie Wilpams on Abreu's double. "That son of a gun is getting too old! " Damon said.在阿伯二垒安打护送下,大门跑垒快超过前头的伯尼,大门说:「这老屁股真是老人卡领得爽啊!」

8.Part-timer Anne Abreu, a San Mateo, Capf. , insurance speciapst, knows her schedule puts her 'under the spotpght, ' she says.加州兼职保险专家安妮·阿布瑞尤(AnneAbreu)说,她明白她的工作时间是众人关注的焦点。

9.Abreu's expedition, which left malacca for the Spice Islands in December 1511, met with pttle success.阿布雷乌率领的远征队在1511年11月离开马六甲,驶往香料群岛,但成效甚微。

10.Wang had more sink last night than Bobby Abreu's batting average did during May.小王在昨晚的比赛里有著比五月份阿伯的打击率还要低沉的下沉球。