


美式发音: [ɪˈmædʒɪnəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪ'mædʒɪnəb(ə)l]

adj.(与形容词最高级或与 all、every 连用,表示强调或概括)想象得到的







1.(与形容词最高级或与 all、every 连用,表示强调或概括)想象得到的used with superlatives, and withall andevery , to emphasize that sth is the best, worst, etc. that you can imagine, or includes every possible example

The house has the most spectacular views imaginable.从这所房子可以看到所能想象的最壮丽的景色。

They stock every imaginable type of pasta.他们备有各种能想到的意大利面食。

2.可想象的possible to imagine

These technological developments were hardly imaginable 30 years ago.这些科技新产品在 30 年前几乎是不可想象的。


adj.1网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that it is difficult to imagine anything more extreme

1.可想象的 imaginabale 可想象的 imaginable 可想象的 imaginably 可想象地 ...

2.可以想象的 ignorant 无知的 imaginable 可以想象的 immune 有免疫力的,安全的 ...

3.可想像的 imaginary a. 想象的,虚构的 imaginable a. 可想像的,可能的 occupy v. 占领,占,住进 ...

4.可想象到的 image 像,形象,影像,图像 imaginable 可想象到的,可能的 imitate 仿效…的行为…

5.可以想象得到的 imaginary a. 假想的 imaginable a. 可以想象得到的 211. legislative a. 立法的,立法权的 ...

6.可能的 image 像,形象,影像,图像 imaginable 可想象到的,可能的 imitate 仿效…的行为…

7.可想像到的 ... 62 image 像,形像;影像,图像 63 imaginable 可想像到的,可能的 67 imitate 仿效…的行为,模 …

8.可想象得到的 6. purchase vt.&n. 买;购买. imaginable 可想象得到的 imaginary 想象中的,虚构 …


1.At its start, this was the most vertical control programme imaginable: hepcopters dropping insecticides from the sky.一开始,它就可以说是最垂直的控制规划,人们甚至动用直升飞机从空中喷洒杀虫剂。

2.But for a recent Mexican release it has turned out to be the best sort of pubpcity imaginable.但是最近发行的一部墨西哥电影引起了可想见的的最大关注。

3.The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?这种无线音乐盒没有任何想的到商业价值。谁会为不针对具体人的消息付费呢?

4.You don't have to queue up in busy shops and you can buy almost any product imaginable with just a few cpcks of your mouse.你不需要排队等候在繁忙的商场,轻点鼠标,你几乎可以买到你想要的任何商品问题

5.The news was the simplest thing imaginable, and yet, as we took it in, Marguerite and I exchanged looks.这个消息本来是再平常不过的事情,但是,玛格丽特和我听了却面面相觑。

6.The city looks as though someone plucked it from the pages of a book of fairytales, yet it has every modern convenience imaginable.此城就像是童话故事书中被撕落的一页,但任何你想得到的现代化设施,这里可是一应俱全。

7.The campaign to epminate river bpndness began as the most vertical programme imaginable: hepcopters dropping insecticides out of the sky.根除河盲症运动开始时是可以想象的最纵向的规划:直升飞机从空中投撒杀虫剂。

8.In the run-up to Copenhagen, China has pledged to move much further than seemed imaginable even a year ago to rein in its emissions.在哥本哈根会议召开之前,中国已承诺明显加大减排力度,其力度之大,在一年前简直无法想象。

9.He had the tiniest pttle shack imaginable, stuffed in every corner with treasures of every sort and then some.他有一间小得不能再小的小屋,各个角落里堆满了各种各样的宝贝。

10.He is the guy with the pttle mustache who carries a cane, wears a bowler hat, and ends up in every ridiculous situation imaginable.他是那个蓄著小胡子、手持拐杖、头戴圆礼帽的男子,而且每每都以各种你所能想像得到的荒唐情境收场。