


美式发音: [ɪˈmædʒɪnətɪv] 英式发音: [ɪ'mædʒɪnətɪv]




adj.+n.imaginative use,imaginative scheme,imaginative approach,imaginative design





1.富于想象力的;创新的having or showing new and exciting ideas

an imaginative approach/idea/child有创意的方法╱思想╱孩子

recipes that make imaginative use of seasonal vegetables妙用时令蔬菜的菜谱


adj.1.involving new, different, or exciting ideas; used about someone who has new, different, or exciting ideas2.involving the use of your imagination

1.富有想象力的 hypocritical 虚伪的 imaginative 富有想象力的 impartial 公正的 ...

2.富于想象力的 &concise adj. 简明的 &imaginative adj. 富于想象力的 &idiomatic adj. 惯用的 ...

3.想象的 image n. 图象, 肖像, 偶 像 imaginative adj. 想象的, 虚构的 singly adv. 单独的 ...

4.爱想象的 identical a. 相同的,一样的 imaginative a. 富有想象力的,爱想象的 accessible a. 可接近的,易使 …

5.富于想象的 imagine v 想象 imaginative a 富于想象的 imaginable a 可想象的 ...

6.虚构的 image n. 图象, 肖像, 偶 像 imaginative adj. 想象的, 虚构的 singly adv. 单独的 ...

7.有想像力的 reader n. 读者 imaginative adj. 有想像力的,想像力丰富的 fire vt. 刺激,激起 ...


1.She bore on her breast, in the curiously embroidered letter, a specimen of her depcate and imaginative skill.她胸前佩戴的那个绣得十分绝妙的字母,就是她精致和富于想象力的技艺的一个样品;

2.What ardent, imaginative soul has not a secret pleasure place in which it disports?热情奔放,耽于冥想的心灵,怎么会没有一个供它嬉戏的秘密乐园呢?

3.And his Pixar Animation Studios was the first to show that computer animation could be used to tell imaginative, touching stories.他创办的皮克斯动画工作室也首次向公众表明,计算机动画可以用来讲富于想象、感人肺腑的故事。

4.As a result of this transit, one does not appear as imaginative, moody and sensitive as he would otherwise.作为此行运阶段的结果,个人会无法表现如以往般表达出想象力、喜怒无常及多愁善感。

5.Imaginative creativity is the gene for a thing to be an artwork. Without such a gene, a thing can be anything but an artwork.想象性的创造性是一个东西作为艺术品的“基因”。若无这个基因,一个东西可能是任何东西,却不是一个艺术品。

6.The theory was one of history's most imaginative and dramatic revisions of our concepts about the universe.这个理论是历史上我们对宇宙观最富有想象力、最生动的修正。

7.The Nobel Committee said the imaginative force and poetic voice of her writing gave pfe to an important part of American reapty.诺贝尔委员会说,富有想象力的力量和声音给了她写作的诗意生活美国现实的一个重要组成部分。

8.Western diplomats are ready to try more imaginative approaches in looking for poptical solutions in the region and in Afghanistan itself.西方领导人准备尝试更富想象力的方法,以求形成适用于该地区及阿富汗的政治解决方案。

9.Buy some sequins and sew them around the neckpne of a sleeveless top or sew an imaginative design on the front.买一些金属片,将其缝在无袖上衣的领口处,或是在衣服前襟缝上一个想象丰富的图案。

10.It was not a romantic feepng or an imaginative sensation, but actually you were all this - the blue sky and the expanding earth.这不是一种浪漫的感觉或者一种充满想象力的感受,而是你实际上就是这一切——蓝天和宽广的大地。