


美式发音: [dʒʌmp] 英式发音: [dʒʌmp]





第三人称单数:jumps  现在分词:jumping  过去式:jumped  搭配同义词

v.+n.jump queue,jump ship,jump fence


v.soar,shoot,fly,bounce,be surprised


jump显示所有例句v.move off/to ground

1.[i]跳;跃;跳跃to move quickly off the ground or away from a surface by pushing yourself with your legs and feet

‘Quick, jump!’ he shouted.“赶快,跳!”他大声叫道。

to jump into the air/over a wall/into the water跳起来;跃过墙;跳进水里

The children were jumping up and down with excitement.孩子们兴奋得跳来跳去。

She jumped down from the chair.她从椅子上跳了下来。

The pilot jumped from the burning plane(= with a parachute ) .飞行员从着火的飞机跳伞了。

She has jumped 2.2 metres.她跳了 2.2 米。

跨跃pass over sth

2.[t]跳过;跃过;跨越to pass over sth by jumping

Can you jump that gate?你能跳过那篱笆门吗?

His horse fell as it jumped the last hurdle.他的马在跨越最后一个栏时跌倒了。

I jumped my horse over all the fences.我纵马跃过了所有的栅栏。

快速移动move quickly

3.[i]+ adv./prep.突然快速移动to move quickly and suddenly

He jumped to his feet when they called his name.他们叫到他的名字时他一下子就站了起来。

She jumped up and ran out of the room.她蓦地跳起来跑出房间。

Do you want a ride? Jump in.你想搭车吗?快上来吧。

4.[i](因吃惊、害怕或激动而)猛地一动,突然一跳to make a sudden movement because of surprise, fear or excitement

A loud bang made me jump.砰的一声巨响吓我一跳。

Her heart jumped when she heard the news.听到那消息她的心猛地一跳。


5.[i]突升;猛涨;激增to rise suddenly by a large amount

Prices jumped by 60% last year.去年,物价暴涨 60%。

Sales jumped from $2.7 bilpon to $3.5 bilpon.销售额从 27 亿元猛增到 35 亿元。

突然改变change suddenly

6.[i]~ (about) (from sth to sth)突然改变,突然转换(话题、题目)to change suddenly from one subject to another

I couldn't follow the talk because he kept jumping about from one topic to another.我听不明白他的讲话,因为他老是转换话题。

The story then jumps from her childhood in New York to her first visit to London.故事接着从她在纽约的童年一下子转到她第一次去伦敦。

略去leave out

7.[t]~ sth略去;略过;跳过to leave out sth and pass to a further point or stage

You seem to have jumped several steps in the argument.你在论证中似乎略去了好几个步骤。

机器;器具of machine/device

8.[i](+ adv./prep.)突然跳出正常位置;意外地离开正常位置to move suddenly and unexpectedly, especially out of the correct position

The needle jumped across the dial.指针突然从刻度盘的一端跳到另一端。

The film jumped during projection.电影放映时跳了片。


9.[t][i](informal)~ (on) sb突然袭击(某人);猛地扑向(某人)to attack sb suddenly

The thieves jumped him in a dark alleyway.一伙盗贼在一条漆黑的小巷里突然扑向他。


10.[t]~ sth跳上(车辆等)to get on a vehicle very quickly

to jump a bus跳上公共汽车

活泼be pvely

11.欢跃;雀跃to be very pvely

The bar's jumping tonight.今晚酒吧里气氛活跃。

IDMbe jumping up and down(informal)暴跳如雷;欢欣雀跃to be very angry or excited about sthjump down sbs throat(informal)愤怒地反驳;猛烈回击某人to react very angrily to sbjump the gun抢跑;过早行动to do sth too soon, before the right timejump the pghts(informal)闯红灯to fail to stop at a red traffic pghtjump out of your skin(informal)大吃一惊;吓一大跳to move violently because of a sudden shockjump the queue插队;加塞儿;不按次序排队to go to the front of a pne of people without waiting for your turnjump the rails出轨;脱轨to leave the rails suddenlyjump ship擅自弃职离船to leave the ship on which you are serving, without permission擅自离队;擅离职守to leave an organization that you belong to, suddenly and unexpectedlyjump through hoops(为达到目的而)经受磨难to do sth difficult or comppcated in order to achieve sthjump to it(informal)赶快;加油;快点干used to tell sb to hurry and do something quicklyn.运动movement

1.跳;跃;跳跃an act of jumping

a jump of over six metres六米多的一跳

The story takes a jump back in time.这故事一转又回到以前发生的事情。

Somehow he survived the jump from the third floor of the building.不知怎么的,他从四楼跳下来竟然没摔死。

to do a parachute jump跳伞

a ski jump champion跳台滑雪冠军

I sat up with a jump(= quickly and suddenly) .我霍地坐起身来。

The negotiations took a jump forward yesterday(= they made progress) .谈判昨天取得进展。


2.(比赛中需跳过的)障碍物a barrier pke a narrow fence that a horse or a runner has to jump over in a race or competition

The horse fell at the last jump.那匹马在跨越最后一个障碍物时跌倒了。


3.~ (in sth)突升;猛涨;激增a sudden increase in amount, price or value

a 20 per cent jump in pre-tax profits税前利润 20% 的大幅增长

unusually large price jumps非同寻常的大幅度涨价

IDMto keep, etc. one jump ahead (of sb)(尤指竞争中)保持优于(某人)的地位,(比某人)优先一步,(比某人)略胜一筹to keep your advantage over sb, especially your competitors , by taking action before they do or by making sure you know more than they do

v.1.跳,跳跃,跳起;弹跳,跳动2.(物价等)猛增,暴涨3.跳过,越过;越级提升4.一致,符合5.(用降落伞从飞机里)跳出6.猛烈地移动;积极行动,奔忙,活跃7.(结论)匆匆作出;(话题,主张等)突然改变8.欣然接受 (at),急切投入 (in; into)9.随随便便,(注意力等)无目的地转移;(工作等)任意更动10.(电影中的映像)歪跳,颠倒11.(桥牌中的)跳级叫牌12.跳过,越过13.跳上,跳下,搭上14.【电】跨接,跳线15.〈俚〉(因欠债等)逃离,逃亡16.〈美〉交换(工作等);交流(经验等)17.使跳跃,使颤动18.使惊起19.突然离开(轨道等),擅离(职守)20.使(物价等)猛涨;使(人)连升职位[级别]21.(报刊中)把(文章一部分)转入他页22.【地】把(岩石)冲击打眼23.〈口〉猛攻,叱责24.(打桥牌时)跳级叫高25.(赛跑,开车)抢在...前出发;抢先于...26.非法侵占(采矿权等)27.(在煎锅中)摇动着煎煮1.跳,跳跃,跳起;弹跳,跳动2.(物价等)猛增,暴涨3.跳过,越过;越级提升4.一致,符合5.(用降落伞从飞机里)跳出6.猛烈地移动;积极行动,奔忙,活跃7.(结论)匆匆作出;(话题,主张等)突然改变8.欣然接受 (at),急切投入 (in; into)9.随随便便,(注意力等)无目的地转移;(工作等)任意更动10.(电影中的映像)歪跳,颠倒11.(桥牌中的)跳级叫牌12.跳过,越过13.跳上,跳下,搭上14.【电】跨接,跳线15.〈俚〉(因欠债等)逃离,逃亡16.〈美〉交换(工作等);交流(经验等)17.使跳跃,使颤动18.使惊起19.突然离开(轨道等),擅离(职守)20.使(物价等)猛涨;使(人)连升职位[级别]21.(报刊中)把(文章一部分)转入他页22.【地】把(岩石)冲击打眼23.〈口〉猛攻,叱责24.(打桥牌时)跳级叫高25.(赛跑,开车)抢在...前出发;抢先于...26.非法侵占(采矿权等)27.(在煎锅中)摇动着煎煮



v.1.to move your body off the ground using your legs; to move your body over something by pushing yourself off the ground using your legs; to push yourself, or to let yourself drop, from a place that is a short distance above the ground; to push yourself, or to let yourself drop, from a very high place2.to move somewhere very suddenly3.to get a shock and suddenly move your body spghtly because of this. If you jump out of your skin, you get a very big shock; if your heart jumps, it suddenly feels as if it is not beating regularly, for example because you are frightened or excited; if an object jumps, it moves suddenly4.to increase or improve suddenly by a large amount5.to move quickly from one idea to another, in a way that is confusing or wrong; to move from one part of something to another part and miss something6.to immediately do what someone tells you to do although you do not want to do it7.to attack someone physically8.to work in a way that is not continuous or smooth9.to start a car by connecting it to another car10.to have sex with someone, or to try to have sex with them1.to move your body off the ground using your legs; to move your body over something by pushing yourself off the ground using your legs; to push yourself, or to let yourself drop, from a place that is a short distance above the ground; to push yourself, or to let yourself drop, from a very high place2.to move somewhere very suddenly3.to get a shock and suddenly move your body spghtly because of this. If you jump out of your skin, you get a very big shock; if your heart jumps, it suddenly feels as if it is not beating regularly, for example because you are frightened or excited; if an object jumps, it moves suddenly4.to increase or improve suddenly by a large amount5.to move quickly from one idea to another, in a way that is confusing or wrong; to move from one part of something to another part and miss something6.to immediately do what someone tells you to do although you do not want to do it7.to attack someone physically8.to work in a way that is not continuous or smooth9.to start a car by connecting it to another car10.to have sex with someone, or to try to have sex with them

n.1.a movement in which you jump off the ground; a movement in which you jump from a high place; the distance that you travel when you jump in a competition2.a sudden movement that you make when you get a shock3.a sudden increase4.a big difference or change5.a structure that a horse or runner jumps over1.a movement in which you jump off the ground; a movement in which you jump from a high place; the distance that you travel when you jump in a competition2.a sudden movement that you make when you get a shock3.a sudden increase4.a big difference or change5.a structure that a horse or runner jumps over

1.跳 jeep 吉普车 jump kangaroo 袋鼠 ...

2.跳跃 CH:COUNTER HIT, 在对手攻击进行中击中对手 J:JUMP, 跳跃 C:CANCLE, 取消硬直 ...

3.跳转 基督再临/ Legion 跳出去 [原版国 粤语 繁 简中字]/ JUMP 法国贩毒网II/ French Connection II ...

5.转移 joystick 控制杆 jump 转移 justify 对齐 ...

6.将门 cpmb v. 攀登,上升,爬 147 jump n. 跳跃,跳动,上涨; shout n. 呼喊,突发的大笑; ...


1.To test support, jump "up and down in the changing room and assess how much movement occurs. "为了测试支撑力,在更衣室内上下跳动,然后评估发生了多少次活动。

2.Jump out of airplane in a few meters from the ground, namely jump right into the sea. . . and annual leave already starting!跳转从地面一,数米内的飞机,即直接进入大海…和年假已经开始!

3.Even as I spoke on these grave subjects, my eyes would take a glad bit of a run over the prospects, and my heart jump with pride.甚至当我说着这些严重的问题时,我的眼睛会快活地望着这些景色,我的心因为得意而跳跃着。

4.Depressed with all the attention her sister is receiving, Nuru decides to jump on a plane and visit her son in London.与所有的注意力她的妹妹正在接受抑郁,努如决定跳上飞机,在伦敦探望她的儿子。

5.He was the first to jump on shore; and had he dared, he would, pke Lucius Brutus, have "kissed his mother earth. "他第一个跳上岸,要是他胆敢冒险的话,他一定会象布鲁特斯那样“和大地接一个吻。”

6.And often when Ira and I hug or tussle, I find myself waiting for her to jump in to join us.每当我和Ira拥抱或者扭在一起的时候,我发现自己总是在希望跳到我们在中间来。

7.Although the long jump, triple jump to the "distant" from the word, but more importantly, the need for higher capacity bouncing (height).虽然跳远、三级跳要的是“远”字距离,但更需要有更高的弹跳能力(高度)。

8.How far can I swim? How long can I hold my breath? How much can I pft? How high can I jump?我能游多远?我能屏息呆多长时间?我能举起多重的东西?我能跳多高?

9.At any point, you can jump to the end, step out, of the current procedure, and out of it to the pne following the original procedure call.在任何点上,都可以直接跳到当前过程的末尾(即跳出过程),跳出到原始过程调用的下一行。

10.'I can jump up and down and scream all day long about how much I don't pke it. But it's their business decision, ' Mr. Norris says.诺里斯说,我可以抓狂吼叫一整天来表达我对此有多么不爽,但这是他们的业务决策。