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1.梅尔文 Max 马克思【最伟大的】 Melvin 梅尔文【酋长】 Oscar 奥斯卡【神圣的持矛者】 ...

2.麦尔文 Maynard 梅奈尔德 有权利 Melvin 马尔文 首领 Merpn 马林 鹰 ...

4.梅文 Marc 译名马克; 马尔茨。 Melvin 译名梅尔文。 Mitch 译名米奇。 ...

7.谢佳见多次透露未来极想多拍电影,更对“骑金马”虎视眈眈的谢佳见Melvin),之前曾拍过一部本地电影和电视电影,在今年进军 …


1.Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird, the great survivor, had indicated his desire to leave well before the 1972 election.不倒翁国防部长梅尔文·R·莱尔德已表示希望早在1972年的选举之前就离职。

2.Melvin Udall: It relaxes me. I'd feel better sitting outside your apartment on the curb than any other place I can think of or imagine.这能使我放松,当我坐在你门口的路边上时,感觉比在任何我能想象到的地方都好。

3.Melvin concedes he could easily be describing his own state of mind after his divorce.梅尔文承认,他很容易描述自己离婚后的心态。

4.He was upset when Melvin told him that UConn would stop admitting Chinese students for Torrington.但是,康州大学告诉他托灵顿校区不再招收中国学生,这让他很失望。

5.Melvin B. Tolson: I am here to help you to find, take back, and keep your righteous mind.迈尔文·托尔森:我就在这里赞助你寻找,什么都别想,只保留住你的正义的想法。

6.Torrington officials referred his request to Melvin, the vice president for enrollment planning, who denied it within a month, they said.托灵顿校区的官员将马丁的建议转达给负责招生计划的副校长马尔文,但是在一个月内,马丁的计划就被否决了。

7.The rescue involved inserting a narrow ladder into the elevator from above, through the emergency hatch, Captain Melvin said.此次救急方案中,还涉及到从高处塞进电梯一个窄的梯子。

8.Mr. Melvin says the images also make clear the gulf between the pves of Mr. Kim and his impoverished people.梅尔文说,这些图像清晰地表明了金正日和他贫穷的国民之间生活水平的差距。

9.After leaving Baiyun Airport Ms. Melvin got a taste of the soul of Cantonese pfe at China Hotel: Dim Sum.离开白云机场后,梅芬在中国大酒店亲身体验广州生活的“精髓”——喝早茶。

10.Melvin mixes biography and personal observation as a consultant and lobbyist to draw eight lessons about the China market.梅文诗将传记与自己作为咨询师兼说客的个人观察混合在一起,写成了关于中国市场的8个教训。