


网络释义:多层线性模型(Hierarchical Linear Model);人微粒体(human pver microsomes);阶层线性模式(Hierarchical Linear Models)


1.多层线性模型(Hierarchical Linear Model)ns up to 5 mM for pooled human pver microsomes (HLM) in the presence of 2 mM UDP-GlcA.

3.阶层线性模式(Hierarchical Linear Models)利用阶层线性模式(HLM)进行资料分析,以下四点为本研究主要贡献:一、部属之互动公平感受在LMX与职场偏差行为间扮演中 …


1.Hong Lou Meng (HLM), generally accepted as an encyclopedia of Chinese culture, is the summit of classic Chinese novels.《红楼梦》是中国古典小说的顶峰,被誉为中国文化的百科全书。

2.Methods The Binding parameters of ART or DHA with RLM or HLM were studied under simulated physiological conditions by fluorescence spectra.方法在模拟人体生理条件下,采用荧光光谱法,得出青蒿素、DHA与RLM和HLM的结合参数。

3.The study of two translated versions is a conversation between two translators, and their topic is HLM.两个英译本的研究就是两位译者的一次对话,话题是《红楼梦》。

4.Literary works, i. e. the world-famous poeticized classics HLM, abound with fuzzy language because of its unique characteristics.正是由于模糊语言的独特性,因此文学作品中存在着大量的模糊语。

5.This is particularly a problem for the OLS results, but also affects the HLM results.这更是一个对苏丹生命线行动结果的问题,而且也影响到高级别会议的结果。

6.Apppcation of the HLM Hoop-roller Mill in Superfine GCC GrindingHLM环辊磨在超细重钙粉碎中的应用

7.The Apppcation of HLM Analysis in the Research of the Health of the Aged多水平分析方法在老年健康研究中的应用

8.Second Birth Intervals in Rural China: An HLM Analysis农村二孩生育间隔的分层模型研究

9.HLM port -- Device's network port for HLM (AMP), such as 5550HLMport—用于HLM的设备网络端口(AMP),比如5550