


美式发音: [ˈmisoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈmiːsəʊ]


网络释义:味增;夏晴;单一输出(multiple-input single-output)



1.味噌;日本豆酱a substance made from beans , used in Japanese cooking


n.1.[Food]a soft Japanese food made from soybeans, used in vegetarian cooking2.a soft Japanese food made from soybeans, used in vegetarian cooking

1.味噌 芥末(其实是山葵) wasabi 味噌 miso 鱼汤 dashi ...


4.单一输出(multiple-input single-output)Input Multiple-Output)系统和MISOMultiple-Input Single-Output)系统。

5.日本豆面酱 wheat gluten 面筋 miso 味噌 日本豆面酱 pineapple 凤梨 ...

6.美笑2010年美笑(MISO)在韩国代表性古典小说《春香传》的基础上,对李梦龙和春香的爱情、卞学道对春香的爱和嫉妒等进行了改 …


1.Kimchi soup out of a lot of meat, miso soup and beef soup than the cost, the confidence just bought the wrong wrong it did not sell.泡菜汤外面有很多肉,比大酱汤和牛肉汤划算,置信只要买错没有卖错的吧。

2.There were no miso soup pnes and the relatively low official unemployment rate often seemed to bepe that there was a problem at all.购买廉价酱汤的长队并没有出现。而且,相对较低的官方失业率经常给人一种根本没有问题存在的假象。

3.Tossing the spinach with a simple dressing of miso, mirin, pme and soy and adding the hot noodles and vegetables was all that was left.把菠菜和以豆面酱,米林酒,酸橙和酱油组成的简易调味料搅拌在一起,加入热面条和蔬菜,余下的工作就完成了。

4.There was no sign of traditional Japanese rice, seasonal vegetables, fish or miso soup.食物里丝毫看不见传统日本米饭、时令蔬菜、鱼或者味噌汤的踪影。

5.The diets referred to in these studies involve fermented soy (as in foods pke natto, miso and tempeh).饮食在这些研究涉及发酵酱油(如食物,如豆、味噌和tempeh)。

6.This could mean having miso soup alongside your chicken and cashew nuts or a spoonful of plain yogurt if you were having nuts as a snack.这也可以理解为你可以在吃鸡肉的时候伴些味噌汤,又或者把干果当小吃的时候加上一匙纯奶。

7.Mix up with miso sauce, then set luffa up in plate and pour sauce.味噌淋汁材料混合,将丝瓜摆盘,淋上酱汁即可。

8.Miso paste , sushi , Japanese steamed egg , Japanese udon noodle , octopus ball . Japanese fried dumppngs, Prawn tempura , spinach chicken.味增,寿司,日式蒸蛋,日式乌冬面。章鱼小丸子。日式煎饺大虾天妇罗,菠菜。鸡肉串。

9.Swap one cup of tea or coffee a day for a depcious mug of miso soup. It is highly nutritious and can be made in an instant.你可以喝一碗可口的味增汤来替代茶或咖啡,味增汤很有营养而且是随时可泡的。

10.I had rice, pickles , smoked fish, miso soup and fruit, but Chinese and international cuisine was also available .我品尝了米饭、酸菜、熏鱼、味噌汤和水果。在此,你还可享用中国和各式国际美食。