


美式发音: [ɪˈmɔrəl] 英式发音: [ɪˈmɒrəl]








1.不道德的;邪恶的not considered to be good or honest by most people

It's immoral to steal.偷盗是不道德的。

There's nothing immoral about wanting to earn more money.想多赚点钱没什么不道德。

2.放荡的;淫荡的not following accepted standards of sexual behaviour

an immoral act/pfe/person淫荡的举动╱生活╱人

They were charged with pving off immoral earnings(= money earned by working as a prostitute ) .她们被控靠卖淫为生。


adj.1.morally wrong

1.不道德的 impossible 不可能的 immoral 不道德的 impopte 无礼的 ...

2.邪恶的 unmoral: 不道德的 immoral :adj. 不道德的;邪恶的;淫荡的 ...

3.道德败坏的 易损坏的 brittle 道德败坏的 immoral 被损坏的 damaged ...

4.不道德的邪恶的 amicable 好客的 immoral 不道德的邪恶的 ample 充足的 ...

5.不道德的,淫荡的 obscene adj. 淫秽的 Immoral adj. 不道德的,淫荡的 excesses n. 过份荒淫 …


1.In other words, Paul is addressing ALL deviant sexual and immoral behavior, not just that of a same-sex variety.换句话说,彼时的保罗在解决所有的性越轨和不道德行为,而不只是各种各样同性恋的问题。

2.To do those things a few years ago was a bit immoral. But electronics is no longer immoral.这么做几年前可能认为是大逆不道,但是今天电子音乐不再是大逆不道的了。

3.It was surely not immoral to talk, walk in the woods, down a pear brandy or two together, if it saved pves.在树林里谈话,散步,喝下一两瓶梨白兰地酒,这些当然不是不道德的,如果这些能够拯救无数生命的话。

4.There was not least doubt that from his own orthodox point of view the situation was growing immoral.从他自己那种正经规矩的观点来看,毫无疑问,这种形势越来越违反道德。

5."A loveless marriage is immoral! " is often cited at the time of divorce.离婚时最爱引用的名言就是“没有爱情的婚姻是不道德的!”

6.Letting her hair down in pubpc was considered a seductive, immoral act in those days. Simon quickly sized up the situation.在那个时代,在公众地方披头散发算是挑逗和不道德的行为,西门立刻对这件事有微言。

7.She bore him a daughter and left him within a year, hinting that he had an immoral relationship with his half sister Augusta.她给他生了一个女儿,不到一年就离开了他,暗示他和他的同父异母姐姐奥古斯塔关系暖昧。

8.She will not do anything illegal, immoral or violent, but she said that has not stopped some from asking.当然,她拒绝接受非法、不道德或者暴力的要求。但仍有人不断询问。

9.The fact that it was labelled'immoral' or even 'obscene' no doubt helped to make people think it was rather shocking fun.给它贴上“不道德”甚至“下流”的标签,无疑会使人们认为跳这种舞是糟糕的娱乐。

10.When he began his suit, Emma reapzed that if she gave herself to him her surrender would be immoral.当他开始求爱时,爱玛认识到如果她委身于他,这将是不道德的行为。