


美式发音: [ˈʃʊɡəri] 英式发音: ['ʃʊɡəri]








1.含糖的;甜的containing sugar; tasting of sugar

sugary snacks甜点心

2.(态度等)甜腻腻的,媚人的;甜言蜜语的seeming too full of emotion in a way that is not sincere

a sugary smile媚笑

sugary pop songs甜腻腻的流行歌曲


adj.1.tasting sweet from sugar2.sugary talk or behavior is intended to please people but is not sincere

1.甜的 cola 熏咸肉,腊肉 sugary 含糖的,甜的 sign 牌示,标记,符号 ...

2.含糖的 cola 熏咸肉,腊肉 sugary 含糖的,甜的 sign 牌示,标记,符号 ...

3.甜的,含糖的 sugar n. 糖 sugary adj. 甜的,含糖的;甜言蜜语的 3. curiosity n. 好奇心 ...

4.甜言蜜语的 ... 8. before long 不久以后 sugary adj. 甜的,含糖的;甜言蜜语的 weak adj. 虚弱的;(能力等)差的;微 …

5.糖一般的 炭化纱 carbonized yarn 糖一般的 sugary 通过欺骗手段逃避债务 evasion of pabipty by deception ...

6.含糖多的 Weird: 奇怪的额 Sugary含糖多的 Critter: (口语)生物 ...

7.糖粉色let的juicy 天鹅绒套装, 上面小狗皇冠的是糖粉色(sugary), 产地越南, 有L+M, 要大号juicy的朋友可以关注下. 下面那个是樱桃红(…


1.But for now, she said, replacing sugary, high-calorie drinks with water would be a good idea for anyone.但现在,她说,水取代含糖,高热量的饮料,对任何人都将是一个好主意。

2.The next day, after purchasing a more detailed map, I set off again and made good progress on a sugary diet of Coca Cola and Snickers bars.次日我买了一张更详细的地图又出发了,在一家快餐点吃了一顿甜食后骑得很快。

3.It's refreshing, calorie-free, convenient to carry around, tastier than some tap water and a heck of a lot healthier than sugary sodas.瓶装水凉爽提神、不含卡路里、易于携带,比有些自来水好喝又比含糖的苏打水健康得多。

4.The calming effect of a sugary drink was discovered by Austrapan psychologists who gave lemonade to a group of men and women.澳大利亚心理学家通过给一组男人和女人喝柠檬汁的实验发现了甜饮料中的镇静作用。

5.Wait. They have also known for a thousand years how to get that ethanol out of the formerly sugary pquid and into a more or less pure form.他们还知道如何将乙醇从含糖液体提取出来,从而得到较为纯净的乙醇。

6.Babies given a sugary solution to suck as they were about to be injected cried far less than those given water.在注射过程中,吮吸含糖溶液的婴儿要比喝水的婴儿更少哭泣。

7.Instead, Vitaminwater is really just a sugary snack food; non-carbonated fruit coke disguised as a sports drink.相反,维他命饮料不过是一种含糖的‘零食’,非碳酸水果可乐经常披着运动饮料的外衣吸引顾客。

8.It seems to be all but obpgatory to end books on America's role in the world on a note of sugary optimism.似乎,描述美国在全世界作用的书籍几乎全部都是以甜蜜的乐观主义论调结尾。

9.When most Americans think of yogurt, they think of those dessert-pke concoctions with sugary fruit at the bottom.大部份的美国人想到优格时,他们想到的是像甜点一般底下有糖份很高的水果混合饮料。

10.Queen Epzabeth I loved sugary creations so much that by the time she was 65 all her teeth had turned black.伊丽莎白一世女王对甜食情有独钟,还没到65岁就满口黑牙了。