


美式发音: [ɪmˈpermənt] 英式发音: [ɪmˈpeə(r)mənt]



复数:impairments  同义词反义词





1.(身体或智力方面的)缺陷,障碍,损伤;某种缺陷the state of having a physical or mental condition which means that part of your body or brain does not work correctly; a particular condition of this sort

impairment of the functions of the kidney肾功能障碍

visual impairments视力受损


n.1.the fact that a part of your body is unable to do something fully

1.损伤 impaired 受损 impairment 损伤 impairment of hearing 听力损伤 ...

2.损害 overlap: 重叠 impairment损害 Bill Cpnton: 比尔·克林顿,美国第 42 任总统 ...

3.减损 道路交通事故受伤人员 the injured in road traffic accident 伤残 impairment 评定 assessment ...

6.减值 Impaired note receivable 削减应收票据 Impairment: 减损;减值: measuring 计 …

7.亏损 Image advertising 形象广告 Impairment 亏损 Imperfect 不完全的 ...

WHO障碍分类: 功能形态障碍impairment) 能力障碍(disabipty) 社会因素障碍(handicap)
康复评定基于上述三个层 …


1.The rights and interests of the unproved mining areas shall be tested on impairment at least once a year.对于未探明矿区权益,应当至少每年进行一次减值测试。?。

2.Experts are still trying to understand exactly why some people develop mild impairment while others don't.专家仍在努力寻找为什么有些人发展为轻度的认知障碍而有的不会的原因。

3.Ah, memory impairment. The free prize at the bottom of every vodka bottle.啊哈,记忆障碍。干完每瓶伏特加之后都会免费得到这个奖赏

4.For intangible assets with an impairment provision, the accumulative amount of impairment provision shall be deducted from the cost as well.已计提减值准备的无形资产,还应扣除已计提的无形资产减值准备累计金额。

5.The rate of mild cognitive impairment was the same, regardless of a man's education or marital status.不管人们的教育程度或者物质地位如何,人们的轻度认知缺失程度都是一致的。

6.By combining MR and PET, cpnicians may be able to make a more sound determination of both cognitive impairment and atrophy.通过MR和PET的联合应用,医师能够在认知障碍和脑萎缩之间做出一个更合理的决定。

7.Very consummate love , impairment of the heart are harmful to the health , have no that spare time as all corners of the country children.7非常娴熟的爱,伤心是对健康有害,没有那个空余时间为全国各地的孩子。

8.It had a sense of "mental impairment" that evolved not only into these two meanings of dumb, but into the word deaf as well.它有“智力损伤”的意思,不仅衍生到dumb的这两层意思,还衍生到了deaf这个词。

9.Article 23 The business reputation formed by merger of enterprises shall be subject to an impairment test at least at the end of each year.第二十三条企业合并所形成的商誉,至少应当在每年年度终了进行减值测试。

10.Women who said they were physically active even once a week showed less cognitive impairment as measured by a test.测试显示,那些每周即使只进行一次锻炼的女性,其认知障碍程度也是比较轻微的。