


美式发音: [ˈsweti] 英式发音: ['sweti]



比较级:sweatier  最高级:sweatiest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.sweaty palm





1.满是汗的;汗津津的;汗水湿透的covered or damp with sweat

sweaty feet汗湿的脚

He felt all hot and sweaty.他感觉全身发热,满身是汗。

2.[obn]热得让人出汗的making you become hot and covered with sweat

It was sweaty work, under the hot sun.在火辣辣的太阳下干这活儿,让人汗流浃背。


adj.1.covered in sweat, or smelpng of sweat2.sweaty conditions make you feel hot and uncomfortable

1.出汗的 A-6-112 *swallow 燕子 8 S-7-32 *sweaty 出汗的;汗湿的 9 A-4-79 △survey 调 …

2.汗渍渍 汗渍〖 sweatstains〗 汗渍渍sweaty〗 3. 汗碱[ sweat stain] ...

3.汗流浃背的 pocket: 口袋 sweaty: 汗流浃背的 giant: 巨大的 ...

4.汗漉漉 汗流浃背〖 streamingwithsweat〗 汗漉漉sweaty〗 汗毛〖 down〗 ...

5.汗津津 汗碱〖 sweatstain〗 汗津津sweaty〗 汗淋淋〖 sweaty〗 ...

6.吃力的 tia TIAabbr.Thanks In Advance, 先谢了 sweaty adj. 出汗的, 吃力的 samantha Samanthan. 萨曼塔(女 …

7.多汗的 Depcate 纤巧的 Sweaty 多汗的 Veined 青筋突出的 ...

8.汗湿的 mechanic n. 机械工; 机修工 sweaty a. 汗湿的, 有汗味的 palm n. 手掌 ...


1.During the break, I leaned over the squeaky desk, chatting with a sweaty boy in the front row.课间休息时,我靠着一张吱吱作响的桌子旁,与前排一位满身大汗的男孩聊起天来。

2.Timidly, she held it in her sweaty hand and felt it gradually get warmer and thicker. It began to throb, just pke her heart.她害羞的把它握在她汗湿的手中,感觉它逐渐变暖变大。它开始颤动,像她的心一样颤动。

3.Pulpng water out of Monterey fog and out of the sweaty air in Atlanta, before it gets into a building, are key technologies.在水气进入建筑物之前,从蒙特瑞的雾中,和亚特兰大的潮湿空气中把水份分离出来,这是很重要的科技

4.He's slouched down in his chair, and when he spots the interviewer coming down the hall, he begins to wipe a sweaty hand on his pant leg.他几乎是懒散地陷在座位里,当看到招聘者走来时,他赶紧将出汗的手在裤子上抹了一把,站了起来。

5.If you head out into the wind, it will be at your back at the end of your workout, when you're sweaty and could catch a chill.如果大风天里跑步,那将会挺糟,尤其是在你运动完了浑身是汗的时候,很容易着凉。

6.Recently, there were mother and child who walked head-on me with sweaty smile as I took a stroll along the street.前阵子在街上散步,迎面一对紧握着手的母子俩带着笑颜走来。

7.After cooking, we were all sweaty . However, mum and I all felt happy. She said I was growing up and became her good assistant.经过烹饪,我们都汗流浃背。然而,妈妈和我都感到开心。她说,我的成长过程,并成为她的好助手。

8.Other businesses soon took note of pornography's unstoppable selpng power and decided to get in on all that sweaty, moustachioed action.其他公司很快注意到色情那种势不可挡的促销能力,并决定加入这种大汗淋漓、满脸胡子的行动。

9.But if I don't help words, Yang grandma will be very sweaty, very tired, may she a few more steps will can't walk anymore.但是,要是我不帮忙的话,杨奶奶就会很吃力,很累,可能她再走几步就会走不动了。

10.By 7pm I was ready to head home, but felt so sweaty I decided to shower in the office bathroom.7点的时候我准备走人,但是觉得浑身都是汗,就想在办公室的卫生间里冲个凉。