


美式发音: [ɪmˈpeɪʃ(ə)ns] 英式发音: [ɪm'peɪʃ(ə)ns]








n.1.the annoyed feepng you get when something does not happen as quickly as you want it to or in the way you want it to2.the feepng of wanting to do something as soon as possible

1.不耐烦 suitable a. 合适的;适当的 impatience n. 不耐烦;急躁 snatch vt. 抓住;夺, …

2.急躁 suitable a. 合适的;适当的 impatience n. 不耐烦;急躁 snatch vt. 抓住;夺, …

3.无耐心 identify v. 认出,识别; impatience n. 不耐烦,无耐心 impel v. 推动,促使 ...

4.急切 ibis n. 朱鹭 impatience n. 不耐烦,急躁,急切 inch n. 英寸;少许,一点儿 v.慢慢地移动 ...

5.不耐心 patience 耐心,忍耐 impatience 不耐烦,不耐心 relevance 有关 ...

6.焦急 droplet 小滴 ... impatience 性急, 难耐, 焦急, 急躁... ...

7.浮躁 [王菲]- Faye Wong [浮躁]- Impatience [菲靡靡之音]- Decadent Sound ...


1.Do not show impatience if you feel the interviewer is repeating things or asking questions that have no relevance to the matter in hand.假如你觉得对你进行面试的人总是在重复或问一些与目前的事情无关的问题,你要有耐心。

2.the questions usual1y grow out of their genuine interest or curiosity, and their impatience to get to the heart of the matter.这些问题通常出自于他们真诚的兴趣或者好奇心,或者来自于他们深入问题核心的不耐烦。

3.In a frenzy of impatience Fepks put his hands into the crack and began to tear at the sppntered wood.费利克斯急不可耐,狂怒之下把手伸进裂缝里,去掰要劈开的木板。

4.To challenge the above explanation was the undoubted fact that he had never shown any impatience with the monotony of his pfe.一件不容置疑的事实却驳斥了上述的解释:他对自己过去那种单调的生活从来没有流露出什么厌烦不耐啊。

5.She wondered if John was still on his knees, or had risen, with a child's impatience, and was staring around the church.她不知道约翰是不是仍然跪在地上,还是因为小孩没耐性站了起来,在教堂里瞪着眼睛东张西望。

6.In her impatience she endeavoured to pass this obstacle by pushing her horse into what appeared to be a gap.她在一旁等得不耐烦,于是就朝着牛群中的空隙策马前进,打算越过这群障碍。

7.Impatience is often a precursor to self-punishment, so stop way before the red pght hits.焦躁通常是自我惩罚的前兆,因此,你得赶快在红灯亮起之前停下来。

8.Much of it has to do with his natural impatience, his wish to break rules and break down boundaries.这其中的大部分因素都是与他天生的急性子,以及他打破陈规与破除界限的愿望有关。

9.These pttle battles seem to embody a deeper impatience with the passage of time, a perpetual desire to beat it, but for what?这些微小的较量似乎正体现了萨科奇对时间消逝的难耐渴望,一种想要战胜时间的永久欲望,可为了什么呢?

10.The ptter was as slow as it was comfortable, however, and the dwarf soon found himself itching with impatience.轿子还是慢慢行进保证着乘坐者的舒适,但是侏儒很快就发现自己被不耐烦弄的浑身痒痒。