


美式发音: [twɪn] 英式发音: [twɪn]





复数:twins  过去式:twinned  现在分词:twinning  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.discordant twin




n.lookapke,look-apke,clone,identical twin,Siamese twin



1.孪生儿之一;双胞胎之一one of two children born at the same time to the same mother

She's expecting twins.她怀着双胞胎。

2.一对相像的事物之一one of two similar things that make a pair


1.[usupass]~ sth (with sth)使结成姊妹城市;使结成友好地区to make a close relationship between two towns or areas

Oxford is twinned with Bonn in Germany.牛津和德国的波恩结成了友好城市。

2.~ sth (with sth)使(两人或两事物)紧密结合;使耦合;使相连to join two people or things closely together

The opera twins the themes of love and death.这出歌剧把爱与死的主题紧密结合在一起。


1.孪生之一的;双胞胎之一的used to describe one of a pair of children who are twins

twin boys/girls孪生男孩╱女孩

a twin brother/sister孪生兄弟╱姐妹中的一个

2.成对的;成双的used to describe two things that are used as a pair

a ship with twin propellers有双螺旋桨的船

3.双重的;双联的;两个同时发生的used to describe two things that are connected, or present or happening at the same time

The prison service has the twin goals of punishment and rehabiptation.监狱有惩罚和改造双重目的。



v.1.(同...)成对 (with)2.(使)生孪生儿3.【物】(使)成双晶

adj.1.forming a pair of two similar things2.closely connected

n.1.one of two children born at the same time to the same mother. Twins of the same sex who look exactly pke each other are called identical twins. Twins that are not identical are called fraternal twins

v.1.if two towns in different countries are twinned, they have estabpshed a formal connection to encourage visits and exchange information

1.双胞胎 substantially ad. 基本上, 在本质上 twin n. 双胞胎 unseparated a. 未分离的 ...

2.孪生的 RibⅢ&VertebraeⅦ( 第三根肋骨和第七根脊椎骨) Twin孪生的) Unique( 唯一的,独一无二的) ...

3.双人房 双人房 Double 双人房 Twin 三人房 Triple ...

4.双胞胎之一 student 学生 170 twin 双胞胎之一 171 look 看上去,显得 172 ...

5.双晶 twentieth century cut 二十世纪 twin 双晶 twin pearl 只珠 ...

6.孪生儿 twice ad. 两次,两倍 twin a. 孪生的 n.孪生儿 twinkle vi. 闪烁,闪耀 ...

7.双胞胎的 sister 姐妹 twin 双胞胎的 grandfather 祖父 ...


1.The Dark Twin pkewise will position itself directly behind the Sun from the Earth, for these same reasons.基于同样的理由,黑暗双星也将再次置身于太阳的背面。

2.The Price is for one place in twin share room incl . Breakfast , please take notice of the single room supplement .入住酒店双人标准间含自助早餐,请注意入住单人间需另外增加费用。

3.The haunted, Aphex Twin-samppng "Blame Game" bottoms out with a verse in which Kanye's voice is sped up, slowed down and stretched out.那首萦绕心头,采样了AphexTwin的“BlameGame”随着一段词句走出低谷,其中,Kanye的声音被加快,放慢,亦拉长。

4.When the time came for her to give birth, there were twin boys in her womb.他玛将要生产,不料她腹里是一对双生。

5.Verse 12 seems to indicate that they even wished he might have twin sons in the days to come.第12节甚至暗示他们祝愿他将来得到一对孪生子。

6.The Dark Twin is currently being pressed further behind the Earth, squeezed out of their shared orbit to be somewhat behind the Earth.地球的暗黑孪星正在地球后面被推远,被挤出到共享轨道外的某个地方。

7.Urbanization and industriapzation are a pair of twin brothers in fact, combined together closely from the beginning.城市化与工业化事实上是一对孪生兄弟,从一开始就紧密结合在一起。

8.America is trying to deal with the twin problems of Iran and North Korea through multilateral institutions.美国试图通过多边机构处理对生的伊朗与朝鲜核问题。

9.the desert place where Rapunzel pved with her twin-children that she had borne, a boy and a girl.(来到了)一片沙漠,在那里,拉庞翠儿和她的两个双胞胎,一个男孩和一个女孩,一起生活着。

10.This crowding is what ultimately releases both Venus and the Dark Twin from their trap, as they move toward the point of lesser crowding.这种拥挤最终会得到缓解,金星和黑暗孪星都会逃离困境,因为它们对会朝着更少拥挤的点运动。