


美式发音: [ˌɪmpərˈfekʃən] 英式发音: [ˌɪmpə(r)ˈfekʃ(ə)n]



复数:imperfections  同义词




1.缺点;瑕疵a fault or weakness in sb/sth

They learned to pve with each other's imperfections.他们学会了容忍对方的缺点。


n.1.a fault, or a bad quapty2.a mark on something that spoils its appearance

1.缺陷 impedance 阻抗 imperfection 不完整性,缺陷 imperforate 无孔洞的 ...

2.不完整性 impedance 阻抗 imperfection 不完整性,缺陷 imperforate 无孔洞的 ...

3.不完美 14、brilpance:n. 光辉,光彩; 15、imperfection:n. 不完美; 16、achieve:vt. 完成,实现; ...

4.缺点 imperfect a. 不完美的 imperfection n. 缺点 imply v. 意味着 ...

5.缺欠 imperfectible 不可能完美的 imperfection 不完全 imperfective 未完成体的 ...

7.不完全性 ... imperfection cross couppng 不完善交叉耦合 imperfection 不完全性 imperfectly elastic media 非完全弹性介质 ...

8.不完善 imperfect test 不完美测试 imperfection 不完善 implanted channel 注入通道 ...


1.From the perspective of economic and ethic mechanism, the imperfection of economic system is closely related to that of the ethic mechanism.从经济和道德运行机制来看,经济运行机制的不完善性与道德运行机制的不完善性密切相关。

2.Or , rather, one doesnt admit imperfection until the new, improved product is ready to be rolled out .或者说,在新的、改进了的产品马上要推出之前,不能承认产品存在缺陷。

3.If you think you are my boyfriend, then the definition should be ; "Unconditional love, understand each other and tolerate imperfection. '"如果你认为你是我的男朋友,那麽定义就是需要彼此付出理解,迁就和容忍。

4.When you tell me to love him as a brother, I shall no more see imperfection in his face, than I now do in his heart.既然你叫我爱他如爱兄长,我将看不到他外貌上的缺欠,就像我现在看不出他内心里有什么缺欠一样。

5.The secret to any lasting relationship is to see the beauty in the imperfection.任何长久的恋情都有一个秘诀,那就是在不完美里发现美。

6.During the practice of transition, several new problems arose due to imperfection in both design and execution of the system.在转轨实践过程中,由于制度设计和实际操作等方面的原因,效果不尽如人意,出现了诸多方面的问题。

7.Imperfection -- the confpcts, stratagems, and surprises of world affairs -- can convey an ineffable, transcendent sense of things.国际事务中的纷争对抗、阴谋诡计,乃至出其不意,种种反面不足,皆可传达世间万物无法言喻的超验之感。

8.The remote water gauge should be checked periodically to ensure an early detection of the water gauge imperfection and a proper treatment.远传水位表必须定期核对,以便及时发现并处理水位表的缺陷。

9.Undoubtedly vacillations and deficiencies are part of our imperfection, but even so, our love must not be extinguished.不可否认,摇摆不定和本身的局限是我们不完美的一部分,但即便如此,我们的爱情之火不能熄灭。

10.The smallest imperfection will gain the attention of your supervisor or teachers and the impact will spiral out of control.极小的缺点会让你的监督者或老师注意,这影响是螺旋形的失控。