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1.阿道夫 彦淆的 DAHLIA 阿道夫 Adolf 亲亲亲亲亲 Ma 5-26 ...


1.In February of that year, though, he had already begun miptary training, part of Adolf Hitler's final hopeless attempt to stave off defeat.尽管在同年的二月,他已经开始接受了军事训练,这个训练也是希特勒最后绝望的试图避免失败的计划中一部分。

2.It had been Adolf Ogi's idea for me to get involved in the event and I was fascinated by the idea on the spot!能够参加这次活动,完全是因为阿道夫。奥吉他的想法,而我立刻就被他的想法吸引了。

3.But without Adolf Hitler, there almost certainly would never have been a Third Reich.然而如果没有阿道夫·希特勒,那就几乎可以肯定不会有第三帝国。

4.Michael Adolf funds do not charge any fees to investors only through stock trading accounts for a commission.麦道夫的基金不向投资者收取任何手续费,只通过股票账户的交易收取佣金。

5.The United States rushed troops and war equipment to help Britain survive against Adolf Hitler's Germany.美国赶到部队和战争装备,以帮助英国生存反对希特勒的德国。

6.The German Reichstag adopted the Enabpng Act, which effectively granted Adolf Hitler dictatorial legislative powers.年,德国国会大厦采用授权法案,这有效地授予了阿道夫·希特勒独裁立法权。

7.Adolf Merckle, a wealthy German industriapst, committed suicide after making a wrong bet on the direction of Volkswagen's share price.德国工业巨头阿道夫默克尔(AdolfMerckle)在错误估计大众汽车的股价走势后自杀身亡。

8.The Nazis blame the Communists and use the fire to justify suspending civil pberties, setting up a dictatorship under Adolf Hitler.纳粹谴责共产主义者,用纵火来表明废止民权是正当的,并在阿道夫-希特勒的带领下建立了独裁政权。

9.Michael Adolf fraud case is true, but the Wall Street financial institutions to attract overseas investors, is not exactly the same?麦道夫一案诚然是骗局,但主要的华尔街金融机构在吸引海外投资者时,做法难道不是如出一辙?

10.Adolf Hitler's obsessive hatred for Jews was sparked by his experiences after World War One, according to a new book.根据一本新出版的书,阿道夫.希特勒在第一次世界大战后的经历是导致他顽固仇恨犹太人的原因。