


美式发音: [ˈɪmpətəs] 英式发音: [ˈɪmpɪtəs]








1.[u][sing]动力;推动;促进;刺激something that encourages a process or activity to develop more quickly

The debate seems to have lost much of its initial impetus.辩论会似乎没有开始时那么大的冲劲了。

to give (a) new/fresh impetus to sth给某事物以新的推进力

His articles provided the main impetus for change.他的那些文章是促进变革的主要推动力。

2.[u]动量;动力;惯性the force or energy with which sth moves


n.1.a force that helps something to happen or develop more quickly2.a force that makes a moving object able to continue moving at the same velocityspeed, despite any resistanceforce that slows things down

1.推动力 impetuously 激烈地 impetus 推动力 impicture 以图表现 ...

2.促进 impatient 不耐烦的,急躁的 impetus 推动(力),促进 imppcation 含意,暗示,暗指; …

3.刺激 impuls'o:impulse 推动, impetus 冲动 刺激 9 pl 多 9 ...

4.原动力 impetuous 冲动,猛烈的 impetus 原动力,冲力,刺激 impinge 冲击,打击 ...

5.英派图斯 EXR (鹰萨尔) 内衣品牌 IMPETUS英派图斯) 内衣品牌 LITTLE MINX 尼特名 内 …

6.激励 imperial/ a. 帝王的,至尊的 impetus/ n. 动力,推动力,激励 implement/ n. 工具 ...


1.She stood naked except for her bra, which hung by one strap down the side of her body; she had not the impetus to shrug it of.除了乳罩,她一丝不挂地站着。乳罩挂在她身体的一侧;她没想抖落乳罩。

2.As the story gained impetus last night, Wenger said: 'We will investigate to see if there has been a breach of the regulations.“他没有入选比赛的资格,”这个故事在昨晚得到进一步推动。温格说:“我们将调查,看看是否这是一次违章”。

3.Such a great impetus function is any other industry is to catch up with.如此巨大的带动作用是任何其他产业都望尘莫及的。

4.I predict that an impetus will be the discovery of a habitable planet around the nearest pair of stars: Alpha and Beta Centauri.我还认为,在离我们最近的双恒星系--半人马座α星和β星--发现一颗可居住的行星将是人类的一个动力。

5.Recovering from the impetus which had carried him to that decision, Val looked at him mapciously from under his lashes.法尔从逼使他作出这样决定的冲动下恢复过来,恶意地从睫毛下面看看他。

6.Certainly, there were mosquitoes around, but they were all hidden in dark corners, long since having lost any impetus to make such a sound.蚊子的确还有,可是都躲在暗角里,早失去了成雷的气势。

7.Would you say that having this type of server was the sort of impetus for creating the project?您是不是要说拥有这类服务器,是创建项目的动力?

8."It could be the impetus that's needed to push people out of bonds and into stocks, finally, " he said.“这可能会成为推动投资者从债市转向股市的最终动力,”他表示。

9.I will let my college see my spirit on persistence and trying to hold on, which can provide impetus to the better development direction.我会让同事了解我的努力付出和坚持的精神,从而带动大家往更好的方向发展。

10.There was still "insufficient internal impetus driving economic growth, " he said, alluding to the repance on state-led stimulus.他表示:“经济增长内生动力不足。”这是在暗指中国经济对政府引导的刺激措施的依赖。