


美式发音: [ɪmˈploʊʒ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪmˈpləʊʒ(ə)n]



复数:implosions  同义词反义词





n.1.an occasion when the outer surface of an object breaks violently and falls inward2.an occasion when something such as an organization or an economic system is completely destroyed by things that are happening within it

1.内爆 召唤土元素( Earth Elemental) 雷鸣爆弹Implosion) 魔法神箭( Magic Arrow) ...

4.内破裂 imploringly 恳求地 implosion 内破裂 implosive 内破发音 ...

5.聚爆 implanter 离子注入机 implosion 聚爆 impregnant 浸渍剂 ...

6.内向爆裂 n.内爆,内破裂,压破 implosion 内向爆炸 implosion 以恐治恐法 implosion ...

8.向内破裂 distension 膨胀 implosion 向内破裂,内爆 erosion 腐蚀,侵蚀 ...


1.I press him gently on the reasons for the implosion of his premiership, starting with his attempt to impose a "mining supertax" .我先从他试图征收“资源附加税”说起,委婉地追问他突然辞职的原因。

2.Short of an implosion to rival that of Bear Stearns in March, however, the rumours are unpkely to become real deals for the time being.只差一次内部爆炸便足以同三月份的BEARSTEARNS相媲美,不管怎么说,时间不会让流言成真。

3.We were in a dogfight in the middle of a financial implosion and the most competitive person I knew urged me to go to Hawaii.金融市场动荡不安,我们疲于奔命,而工作最狂热的一个人居然催我去夏威夷。

4.A swift implosion would be a major blow and he is expected to put huge pressure on both sides to stay at the table.这次和谈如果顷刻瓦解,这对奥巴马将是一个很大的打击,因此他必然会向谈判两方同时施压,强迫双方留在谈判桌上继续谈判。

5.THE recent implosion of the conservative movement is one of the great puzzles of American poptical history.近期保守主义运动的内部暴乱可谓是美国政治历史上的一大难题。

6."There may not be a big implosion, but down the road there will be a bunch of blood and tears, " he said.“可能不存在什么大的内爆,但一路上将要面临许多汗水与艰辛。”他说。

7.The prospect of an implosion in neighboring North Korea is just one of many uncertainties clouding the region's future.许多不确定的因素给该地区的未来蒙上了阴影,包括邻国朝鲜可能发生的内部瓦解。

8.That after all was the fate of lenders who refused to settle promptly in a case involving WorldCom, another dotcom-era implosion.毕竟这是涉及WorldCom的案子中拒绝及早和解的贷款方的命运,那也是网络时代的另一场内部崩塌。

9.Lehman's chiefs signally failed to see the potential contagion from the subprime implosion.雷曼的首席财务官们显然没有看到次贷内爆的潜在蔓延。

10.Hardly a week goes by without the implosion of a hedge fund.几乎没有哪周对冲基金不爆出问题。