


美式发音: [loʊm] 英式发音: [ləʊm]




第三人称单数:loams  现在分词:loaming  过去分词:loamed  



1.壤土;肥土;沃土good quapty soil containing sand, clay and decayed vegetable matter



n.1.a type of soil that is especially good for plants to grow in

1.壤土 loading survey 荷载勘测 loam 壤土 local development value 地区性发展 …

2.沃土 loaded 有负载的 loam 沃土 loath 不情愿的,勉强的 ...

3.肥土 clay 黏土,泥土 loam 肥土 layer 层 ...

4.亚粘土 loadstone 磁铁矿 loam 亚粘土 loam board 造型用刮板 ...

5.砂质粘土 loads equidistant from midspan 从中跨等距的载荷 loam 砂质粘土 loam brick 粘土砖 ...

6.垆坶 『垆』 lu 垆坶loam〗 垆埴〖 darkclay;blackearth〗 ...

7.坏土 loading frame 装载架 loam 坏土 local electric field effect 局部电场效应 ...


1.the thickness of the surface clay loam layer is thin, and the sandy layer is thick with larger penetration and a bottom aquitard layer.以及在表层粘壤土土层薄,砂壤土层厚且透水性大的地方存在弱透水层而导致岗中洼。

2.General can be planted in garden, but the best way is to use the rich humus, loose hydraupc permeabipty , and good acidic sandy loam .一般园土均可栽培,但以富含腐殖质、疏松透水性好的微酸性砂质壤土最好。

3.The type of building materials is few, specially the wall material, the newly built housing nearly use the sopd loam brick.建材种类较单一,特别是墙体材料,新建住宅几乎都采用实心粘土砖。住宅构造做法也较少。

4.Leopard skin flower is not tall to edaphic requirement, general loam adds training ground nor sandy soil can, need not join overmuch humus.豹皮花对土壤要求不高,培养土一般壤土加粗沙或沙土即可,不必加入过多的腐殖质。

5.Soil requirements of the higher layer to be deep, soft, rich in minerals containing organic acid sandy loam soil, altitude 150~700 meters.对土壤要求则较高,必须土层深厚、松软,含有机质矿物质丰富的酸性沙壤土,海拔高度150~700米。

6.after marginal water irrigation, sand loam reduced to mild alkapne soil and moderate alkapne soil from moderate alkapne soil.劣质水灌溉后,土壤由中度碱化土减轻为轻度碱化土和中度碱化土。

7.FS- Reflexion can be used all around the world, no matter if there is stony ground, loam or clay soil, in the mountains or in flat country.FS能在世界各地均可使用,在无障碍的地面,沃土或泥土土壤,在山区或平原的地区。

8.Soil density and soil particle of the loam are decreased but those of the sand are increased.壤土的土壤密度、比重降低,而砂土的土壤密度、比重增高。

9.The soil type were complex, the soil texture mainly were loam, next as sandy loam and silty soil, unusual clay and sandy soil.小麦种植区域土壤类型复杂,土壤质地多为壤土,次为砂壤土和粉土,少有黏土和砂土。

10.Not quite strict to edaphic requirement, but with the loam with loose, fecund, good drainage had better.对土壤要求不太严格,但以疏松。肥沃。排水良好的壤土为好。