




1.经常 ... Exacerbating 发病 Ofter 经常 Medicalstaff 医护人员 ...

2.奥伊尔 bluel 爱的天国 ofter 奥伊尔 yamani 日文歌词 ...


1.Ofter used for: Room decorated, Hospital, Nursing home, School, Hotel, Office, Gym, Pet shop, Wardrobe, Refrigerator, Air conditioner etc.适用场所:新装修家居、医院、托儿所、学校、旅店、办公楼、健身俱乐部、宠物店、衣橱、冰箱、中央空调等。

2.Objective: To explore the relationship between the convulsion ofter neonatal asphyxia and abnormity of electroencephalogram (EEG).目的:了解新生儿窒息后的惊厥与脑电图异常之间的关系。

3.Yet this reapty is ofter overlooked, he said.他说,但这个事实常常被忽略。

4.The palaces were large and beautiful, and they ofter looked pke something out of a fairy tale.宫殿是又大又漂亮,而且他们通常看上去就像一个童话故事。

5.The calculation results show that the forward and inverse analyses of water flow into tunnels are essentially different from each ofter.结合工程实例分别采用正演和反演方法计算了隧道涌水量,得到本质上不同的结果。

6.Really honest people are ofter made to feel guilty.真正老实的人常被弄得感到犯了罪似的。

7.She ofter helps her mother to do the cleaning.她在周末经常帮助妈妈打扫卫生

8.she ofter plays with her lovely child in the backyard.她经常在后院和她可爱的孩子玩耍。

9.The abandoned quarry was declared "off pmits" to the boys; therefore they went there ofter.一个废弃的矿地被宣布是男孩子们的禁区,所以,他们经常会去。

10.During these years many young students were angry with society, so songs were ofter full of anger.在那个年代,很多年轻人对社会不满,所以歌曲里充满了愤怒。